Libby: A Good Start
Cheney Aide Indicted in Leak Case, Resigns
Here's a little Friday Fun for you: Bush in freefall
10/28/2005Libby: A Good Start
10/26/2005Star Tribune's backhanded endorsement in Ward 10
Color me surprised. The Star Tribune endorses Ralph Remington over Scott "13 Stories" Persons in Ward 10. The Star Tribune hasn't met a development (or I should really say, a developer) it doesn't like, so I've been steeling myself for what I considered to be the inevitable endorsement of Scott Persons, who has the same predilection. Of course, they have to get some backhanded digs in on Ralph Remington. Voters in Uptown and Lyn-Lake can't lose. Either DFL candidate -- Scott Persons or Ralph Remington -- would make an impressive replacement for the retiring Dan Niziolek. Persons is better prepared to step in immediately. His experience as a neighborhood association president and his command of issues -- from redevelopment to public safety -- make him a solid choice. He understands the details of city government better than Remington and would be a persuasive voice at the Capitol. 10/25/2005Plame preparedness
I am geting my earplugs out. I am putting on my hip waders. Later this week Patrick Fitzgerald will release his findings. I think he will indict. The Republicans will howl. They already are. The Republicans will make the streets slick with spin. I expect to see Ken Melhman's mealy mouth working double time to further embed himself under the skin of the string-pullers. They should call him the human tick. Dump Miers
The nomination of Harriet Miers has nonplussed me. I sat in a kind of stupified wonder as I watched Bush announce her. She appears respectable. She has a legal career impossible to call hackneyed. But as near as I can tell, she doesn't know diddly about constitutional law. As near as I can tell her best qualification is that she is extremely friendly with his Shrubness. 10/21/2005Target Pharmacy Refuses Emergency Contraception Prescription
Very disappointing. No, make that outrageous. Details here. Target's response/confirmation here. Most importantly, take action here. Bad News Bears
The levees of control and right-wing unity are busting on all sides of this Administration. Where to even begin? Dunno, but here are a few links: And - of course - how can we not post Tom Delay's slick "Don't Worry, Be Happy" mug? 10/18/2005Blogumentary Screening Tonight
Sorry for the late notice. For those of you who haven't seen it -- there's a whole lotta stuff about blogs in action, changing media and changing politics. Howard Dean's campaign, Dan Rather, Trent Lott, it's all here kids. Including interviews with our pals John Hinderaker, Joe Trippi, Jeff Jarvis, and BBC reporter Stuart Hughes who blogged from Iraq. 10/17/2005Gloating would be wrong...
AP: "DeLay will likely be booked in a Texas county jail this week despite attempts by his attorneys to bypass the fingerprinting and mug shot process." 10/14/2005Advertising wars: Drink Iraq War and Win Lots of Girls
Orchestrated media events are certainly nothing new in politics. Dukakis rides a tank. Kerry dons a flannel shirt and hunts with a shotgun. Dukakis and Kerry are amatuers, though. They are pretenders to the throne. Dear Leader and Dear Leader's friends are the Senseis of propaganda. After hand picking his millionth audience, Dear Leader wins a Gold Shilling Star for taking it to new heights. As they say on the infomercials: Wait a minute Karl, do you mean to tell me that everything is ok in Iraq? 10/13/2005His Shrillness
Krugman: "Read the speeches Howard Dean gave before the Iraq war, and compare them with Colin Powell's pro-war presentation to the U.N. Knowing what we know now, it's clear that one man was judicious and realistic, while the other was spinning crazy conspiracy theories. But somehow their labels got switched in the way they were presented to the public by the news media." (Via Atrios) 10/10/2005The big reveal
Aaron Landry presents a convincing case that the Mystery Blimp is a Peter McLaughlin ad. But not even the pilots know for sure...and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a Minneapolis candidate's blimp to fly over St. Paul. 10/06/2005Bush will veto spending bill if torture is regulated
Bush has yet to veto a bill. He hasn't even really threatened a veto. Massive, pork-laden efforts of all kinds have sailed through under his pen. So what do you think incenses Bush enough to threaten using Presidential privilege to kill legislation? The thought of preventing torture by US troops. Many of my comrades were subjected to very cruel, very inhumane and degrading treatment, a few of them even unto death. But every one of us - every single one of us - knew and took great strength from the belief that we were different from our enemies. Bushthink guts Gulf Coast
For much of George Bush's term, the administration's end game has been hidden. Their intentions are usually covered up in the white snow of euphemism, a slogan here, a slogan there. A government sponsored advertisement or paid columnist shills for a shaky bill. The terrorists threaten no child left behind healthy forests clear skies your operation Iraqi wanna nuke ya freedom security life choosers. A pile of smart sounding words masks impossibly stupid designs. 10/05/2005LiberalOasis interviews Russ Feingold
LiberalOasis has an interview with likely 2008 hopeful Senator Russ Feingold, who is fresh from a trip to New Hampshire. 10/03/2005Tipped off?
Think Progress has a short item noting conservative group Progress for America has already created, "an extensive website promoting Harriet Miers’ nomination." Harriet Miers
Bush has appointed his long-time personal lawyer Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. 10/02/2005I am more than my bank account
Every campaign manager for every Democratic candidate, no matter how large or small should read this: I Am More Than A Bank Account by Devilstower on Daily Kos. |