
Advertising wars: Drink Iraq War and Win Lots of Girls

Orchestrated media events are certainly nothing new in politics. Dukakis rides a tank. Kerry dons a flannel shirt and hunts with a shotgun. Dukakis and Kerry are amatuers, though. They are pretenders to the throne. Dear Leader and Dear Leader's friends are the Senseis of propaganda. After hand picking his millionth audience, Dear Leader wins a Gold Shilling Star for taking it to new heights. As they say on the infomercials: Wait a minute Karl, do you mean to tell me that everything is ok in Iraq?

Given Dear Leader's approval ratings are at an all time low I guess there is only one question left:

Who's he trying to kid?


At 7:45 AM, Blogger Jeff Huber said...

I think he's trying to kid himself into believing he wasn't a tool of the neocons.


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

too bad it's taken a disasterous second term (i.e. paved with American lives, our hard-earned dollars, our children's future, etc.) for the country to realize this is the worst. president. ever.

At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More wishful thinking Chuckie?

Perhaps you caught Good Morning America's video stunt...

Here's one opinion,

Or Maybe the BBC's?

How about the one I offered up the other day?

Sorry, the soldiers might have been briefed on how not to act like dorks with the president, but to accuse the right of media manipulation is silly.

But that's the great thing about this here intraweb thingee. The truth is coming out...


At 6:06 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

False equivalence much?

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

PS: May want to check Bush's polls lately before you accuse anyone of wishful thinking.

PPS: How's that Miers nomination treatin ya?

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh -

Keep telling yourself, "The Kool-Aid tastes great!"

The sad thing about you and the rest of the "reality based community" is the lack of real info that drives you.

Hat tip to Power Line -
"But are Bush's numbers really that bad? His current Real Clear Politics average stands at 41.7% approval. That is at or about the low point in nearly five years in office. How does it compare to other presidents' lowest poll ratings? Actually, it's not bad. Here are the low approval ratings for the last seven presidents:

*Johnson: 35%
*Nixon: 24%
*Ford: 37%
*Carter: 28%
*Reagan: 35%
*Bush I: 29%
*Clinton: 37%

Yes, that's right: Every president since 1963 has had approval ratings, at one time or another during his administration, at least five points lower than Bush's current nadir."

Hell, 42% ??? How much of the popular vote did Clinton get the first time he was elected? Oh yeah, 42%...

So if 42% means worst ever... help yourselves - get the facts before you go off.

I suppose 28% means Nobel Prize? (Man, bashing Jimmy never gets old.) Speaking of which, anyone catch that shark jump of the Nobel guys? They completely became a parody of themselves with the ElBaradei thing. I love the idea that he's accomplished absolutely nothing, and that makes giving him the award justified. Too funny. Anyway, I digress...

Back on topic - speaking of supreme court justices how about MN? Who's gonna get that one and what will the impact be there? Worried?

Moving on, (hehe, I crack myself up)

About Miers,
There's 5 things I like about her.
1. She's not a judicial insider. I think the courts are hosed up, and need a breath of fresh air.
2. Not an Ivy League elitist. I think they are over represented in DC, especially the Harvard/Tribe America haters.
3. Another successful important woman on the right. Its very important that the right model that the way forward for women (and minorities) isn't collectivism. Its hard work.
4. Its got the tiny little fringe network of the GOP=Right to Life's panties in a bunch. Its never about just one issue. Well, except maybe taxes - but that really covers a lot of ground...digressing again. These are the same folks that wanted to feed schivo thru a nose hose. I said then and maintain, its NOT the bulk of the party. And they are kind of fun to taunt.
5. Democrats are going to attack her and just like they have with Bush over and over, they are "misunderestimating" her. This is just the sort of pre-election demonstration of Democratic obstructionism that will doom the efforts of your team again this year.

I'm curious - any of you have real objections to Harriet? (I mean other than OMFG Bu$h=Satan!!!, rest easy Luke - I got your vote ;-) Really - anyone?


At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey check this out - it might seem odd to you not to have it go thru the hands of Rather, but here's a first hand account of you event.


I really liked when he mentioned that people ask him what its "really" like over there. Says alot about MSM confidence.


At 5:57 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

You mean you guys are resorting to *average* approval ratings to pretend his appproval isn't abysmal now? I've heard of cheap parlour tricks, but that's just sad. Talk about Kool-Aid, you guys are drunk on it. We're a long way from 9/11, chappy.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

the funny thing is, i'm not terribly motivated to waste energy throwing a wrench into the right-wing echo chamber. what's the point? this administration is digging it's own hole, deeper and deeper, and the American people can smell it.

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

implying the soliders aren't too bright, and need to be briefed so they won't act like 'dorks,' huh? classy.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you see lj,

You may just be a military hater, and that's fine if you are. I can't see how you got the impression you did, unless its the one you wanted to get, but on the off chance I'm wrong, I'll explain.

In the military, you get briefings about everything. Things like what's the plan to go eat dinner...really.

You're also early for everything. (Hurry up and wait) So, since you're early, briefing always takes up a few min - gives you something to do. Kind of like the microphone passing practice. Yeah, its stupid - but you're sitting there anyway.

Its a culture where you get instructions for everything. So does that mean its rigged? Compared to grabbing a crowd of people off the street, yeah. But this street is in Iraq and the crowd is all volunteers and warriors to boot. They're committed to the mission - they have to be. So the selection is the suspect part, not the instructions.

Regardless, I think its refreshing to get the non-MSM perspective.

I think you all have to admit that with all the news "stories" being decontructed and out right busted these days at the very most this would be a pot and kettle situation.

Its the job of the press to criticize the gov't. What's being shown is that they aren't doing a good job. There's plenty wrong with gov't without the need to invent stories.


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Censored - i was being sarcastic. ask yourself if someone on the "left" said precisely what you said, would not Hannity, Limbaugh, et al, make a quip similar to mine? (I'm conisdering the infamous Rummy/Hillbilly armor press conference, when Limbaugh went off on the "liberal media elite")

I find it insulting that staged press events by the government (or anyone, reallY) is somehow considered new and noteworthy, BTW.

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lj -

I think there is a difference. The gov't as you correctly identified is forever staging events, all press conferences by definition are staged. When the show is over the top, that's news. I don't think this was an example of that, maybe you do...

Its different though when the press itself holds a show. It doesn't matter if its the hillbilly armor planted question, the canoe in ankle deep water, fake documents or selective cropping of photos. As soon as any of that happens its no longer news and its become an editorial.

There's enough news without the need to invent it. Regardless, the news should be about the stories, not creating them.



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