Today's Fun Links How Many More Mike Browns Are Out There?
"A TIME inquiry finds that at top positions in some vital government agencies, the Bush Administration is putting connections before experience"
The Observer: Bush plea for cash to rebuild Iraq raises $600
"The public's reluctance to contribute much more than the cost of two iPods to the administration's attempt to offer citizens 'a further stake in building a free and prosperous Iraq' has been seized on by critics as evidence of growing ambivalence over that country."
I wonder if that $600 came from two anonymous donors named "Dick" and "Donald".
Another fun link.
I'm just wondering where all the Bush takes and deserves responsibility crew went...
Since we're doing twos...
Didn't see alot of this in the MSM, they must have been busy with "stories."
I'll let Atrios do the talking regarding your foolishness:
"So, the right wing which spent weeks pushing stories of looting, rapes, and murder in New Orleans are now taking media reports about how such stories were exaggerated to mean that what happened in New Orleans wasn't as bad as we were led to believe.
It was bad because people had no food, no water, no shelter, no medical care, and most importanly, no help."
Hurricanes happen.
The local authorities (Nagin and Blanco) bore responsibility and dropped the ball in a big way. Then they tried to blame the feds. It was pure CYA.
The MSM went "National Guard Papers" and reported a bunch of fabrications as news. On the basis of these fabrications Bush was roundly condemned.
Now that these fabrications have been exposed as such, to not change your analysis of events is ridiculous.
You are completely wrong to an extent that absolutely stuns and amazes me.
The reason we've been condemming the response to the hurricane is that a hundred thousand people were trapped in the city for days with no food, water, shelter or medical care. They were living in unbelievable conditions waiting for someone to help them.
It took far, far too long for that help to arrive. Partially, that was the fault of over-emphasis on looting and violence that didn't actually happen. The police stopped resucing people to combat looting.
I wasn't angry because there was looting or violence. To the extent it happened, it was a side effect of not getting those people the help they needed. That's what makes me angry.
And yes, Bush and FEMA share blame for that. A full, independet investigation should be done.
Also -- the police were actually trapping people in the city. They could've walked out, but the police from neighboring districts stopped them....largely due to fear of looting.
There's a racial element to this whole sorry affair.
I'm not going to justify your baiting with a comprehensive response. You think it was the Feds responsibility, I think it was the state's and that may be all there is to say about it.
But there is a larger issue here, and that is the MSM's coverage.
Here's another example of the that Korean style journalism this blog was advocating...
Here's a deconstruction of a newspaper article and the rest of the story.
We're seeing this same kind of thing happen over and over with the MSM.
The myths of this latest hurricane
the "anti-war" effort
and so on
And many Blogs are part of the effort to address the MSM problem to debunk what passes for news. Exposing the "sunshine policy" of the media elite.
Some blogs aren't. They are spewing what comes from these increasingly impeachable sources. In this case Time and the Observer...
Something to think about. Its time to challenge your assumptions. The no longer fit the evidence now that the whole story is coming out with greater regularity.
In the Times-Picuyane (sp?, also, the story ran in today's Chron, so uncertain the date of publication.. likely has the story online), a rep from FEMA was quoted as inflating the number of dead at the Astrodome and convention center. (Paraphrase here, though Mr.Fema told a a local authority "There are 75 dead bodies in the Astrodome")...Uncertain the relevance in the current censored/luke debate, though this administration leaked the "Clinton staffers looted and trashed the White House" gem.
Bush poll numbers improve in Rita aftermath
Well Luke,
Looks like people are changing their assessments.
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