Mass affirms Gay Marriage
Suddenly, a bipartisan outbreak of common sense:
Gay Marriage Ban Is Rejected in Mass.
''Gay marriage has begun, and life has not changed for the citizens of the commonwealth, with the exception of those who can now marry,'' said state Sen. Brian Lees, a Republican who had been a co-sponsor of the amendment. ''This amendment which was an appropriate measure or compromise a year ago, is no longer, I feel, a compromise today.''
Bottom line - Please tell me how again my life, morals, ethics, relationships, work, might change because of how someone else chooses to live their life?
It's simple, Chris. God hates gay marriage. God will punish us all with more natural disasters until America comes to its senses.
Oh, jeez. That's right. I forgot for a moment that God killed 10,000 people in New Orleans because two dudes decided to enter into a life long, committed relationship in MA.
Long live the God of Logic!
For many the question is not whether gay marraige is allowed but the process to which it is achieved. In California the legislature has passed a bill and the govenor will have the option of signing or rejecting (Note: did not have time to see what Arnold has done with this). Both parties can then face the voters for thier actions and further adjustments to public policy.
If the judiciary is used to set public policy, no further public debate and no accountabilty is required. Many years of rancorous partisanship will ensue. Abortion and the Roberts hearings are a prime example of the judicial setting public policy and the ongoing battle that surrounds such actions.
Arnold vetoed the bill.
Sort of historic. First-ever gay marriage proposal to be passed by a legislature and it was vetoed. Ironically, his "justification" is that the courts should settle the issue!
More seriously, Kevin Drum had a really good post about this today that echoed what Chris said:
"This is the beginning of the end for gay marriage opponents. As gay marriage becomes more common — both in the United States and in other countries — and absolutely nothing happens except that more people than ever can show off wedding scrapbooks with pictures of beaming partners and guests having a blast, opposition will slowly but surely melt away. The homophobes are banking everything on the proposition that same-sex marriage will lead to moral degeneracy and the breakdown of society, and when that doesn't happen they'll have nothing left."
It's simple. It won't negatively affect your life in any way. Maybe you will attend a few more weddings in your lifetime. Nonetheless, they will live theirs and you will live theirs. And as some would like you to believe, I'm pretty sure there isn't a giant conspiracy of non-heterosexuals who want to ruin the lives and marriages of their straight counterparts.
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