
Bad News Bears

The levees of control and right-wing unity are busting on all sides of this Administration. Where to even begin? Dunno, but here are a few links:

  • ‘Cheney cabal hijacked US foreign policy’
  • Rove Told Jury Libby May Have Been His Source In Leak Case
  • A Palpable Silence at White House
  • Aide Says FEMA Ignored Warnings
  • Film rolls as troops burn dead
  • Senators Say Miers' Answers Insufficient Leahy Calls Responses 'Insulting'

    And - of course - how can we not post Tom Delay's slick "Don't Worry, Be Happy" mug?


    At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Pay no attention to the constitution being ratified...

    Nevermind that even the UN acknowledged Baathists are rat bastards...

    That's right folks, there's important "news" sez the MSM.


    At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That the Geneva conventions specifically allows for the cremation of enemy dead for reasons of hygiene.

    From Army Field Manual FM 27-10:

    "Bodies shall not be cremated except for imperative reasons of hygiene or for motives based on the religion of the deceased. In case of cremation, the circumstances and reasons for cremation shall be stated in detail in the death certificate or on the authenticated list of the dead."

    Since these two upstanding citizens of the world where dispatched while engaging in unlawfull acts as outlined in the Geneva Convention. And the local US commander was unable to secure proper removal and burial of the deceased. He had them burned per regulation of the Army and which is allowed under the Geneva convention, Nothing to see there you can move along.

    Might I suggested until you get someone who understands military protocal you might linking to alleged military wrong doing.

    What a bummer Mr. Delay smiled rather than giving the democrats a grimmed faced mug shot to use, since that was the only purpose of his prosecution.


    At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    The right wing is collapsing again?

    Wow. That's like six impending collapses of the right in the past eighteen months.

    All this collapsing going on, maybe we'll even notice Democrats winning elections someday.


    At 1:08 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

    If the Dems fail to win elections after this mess, well, we get what we deserve I guess.

    Sure looking forward to your permanent smiley faces after the indictments and Miers' withdrawal.

    At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Chuck, you're proving one of my points. Lefties don't understand the legal system.

    All an "indictment" means is that a prosecutor has either decided to bring charges, or convinced a grand jury to let him bring charges. Grand juries don't hear from the defense, they only see the "evidence" that the prosecutor wants them to see, and they almost always, like way over 99% of the time, return what the prosecutor wants (although Earle had to try three times to find a grand jury dumb enough to bite!). That IS NOT the same as a trial! An unscrupulous CA can get an indictment on anyone for anything. Ideally, trial is where it all washes out (or, as will happen with Delay, a judge will toss the indictment).

    Read the damn indictment, Chuck; Tom Delay is barely mentioned!

    As to Miers - well, that'd be a victory for conservatives, not a defeat. You guys keep missing that.


    At 1:22 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

    I wasn't talking about Delay, I was talking about Rove and Libby. And, oh look! Cheney knew all about it.

    Nice try on Miers -- no matter what happens with her, the Administration has (still more) egg on its face and managed to do something previously thought impossible: Crack the right's facade of unity.

    At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You're right, Chuck. What would I, a conservative, know about the right's sense of unity? Silly moi.

    Cheney is so clear on this, it's hilarious.

    Hey, weren't you the guys who were lining up to french-kiss George Galloway? Turns out Nahm was totally right, huh?


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