Sen. Reid: Dude's Got Balls
Sen. Harry Reid: "The only way that we've been able to get their attention is to spend 3 ½ hours in a closed session. [...] The separation of powers doctrine is something that does not exist in this town."
MSNBC: Heated day in D.C. leads to more prewar probes
A phase-by-phase investigation will resume, Reid announced after the secret session. It will be the second stage of a probe that Democrats have been pressing for for a year.
TPM Cafe: Power Shifts
This is a good day for an America that deserves answers instead of stonewalling. And I have to say, these arcane parliamentary procedures remind me of LOTR's Council of Elrond, or the Galactic Senate from Star Wars.
Nice halo!
Grandstand play of an increasingly ineffective and shrill minority.
He's making the arguement for rules changes. Is that really in his party's best interests with the looming confirmation of Alito?
Photoshop or interesting framing?
Speaking of shrill...
I think more Americans would be interested if they actually floated around in gravity defying pods. Is there room in our budget for that?
"Dude's Got Balls"
...rattling around in his skull.
What a hamster.
Ladies and gentlemen, this insightful exchange of ideas was brought to you by New Patriot and New Patriot Lite. Less filling, tastes like crap, but gets you drunk reaaaaal fast.
The halo is all fortuitous framing. Photogs strive to get politico pics with this background effect. It's especially amusing with fundie nutters like the president.
All men are hamsters compared to bison like you, Mitch. Your neck is probably wider than Reid's head.
The 'stunt'was one the most successful moves since that British guy came over and broke his foot off in Norm Colemans ass.
Yeh, that British guy that the facts have proven that norm was right. he was a dirty little scoundrel. Stpaul Dfler, you are a true IDIOT!!!!
Hamster, Bison, whatever - I just think that here in the echo chamber, you don't realize:
a) what a dumb stunt it was - how
petulant and whiny it made Reid
b) how little effect that sort of
stunt has on actual people - as
in "non-wonks".
But hey, if you guys think it was a good move, more power to you. Makes my job a lot easier.
Hey, STPDLFer - you DID notice that basically everything Coleman said about Galloway was shown to be true last week, and that whole hearing where Galloway broke his foot was essentially Coleman paying out enough rope for Galloway to hang himself and all of Interational ANSWER to boot - right? Or did you miss that?
It's a good thing for y'all that the Senate Majority Leader is Frist, or you guys'd be in REAL trouble. Reid may be the only Senate leader dumber than Frist.
Thank God.
Also Stpaul_dfl'er you should pick those you support more carefully, Galloway has spoken in glowing terms of the likes of Basser Assad, Saddam Hussien and other despicable creatures. He is a totalitarian friend and supporter who since the collapse of the soviet union (his previous friends and benefactor) has tied himself with the worst scum that abuses the middle east.
But if the blowhard can make Coleman or Bush look bad I guess that is good enough for the tolerant DFL.
StPaul_DFLer said...
"When and what happened that made what Galloway said a lie?"
The point is that even liberal MSM recognizes Galloway as a liar.
Even the MSM that would "point the finger back at America."
it made *Reid* look petulant and whiny?
you must've missed Frist's tantrum over there in your ideological bubble.
and by the way, our little to-and-fro here is precisely what makes this *not* an echo chamber.
Not an echo chamber?
You pick the stories, you delete comments you don't like, ban posters that you don't like, and you're all running around talking up Galloway when the rest of the world is wondering where he should do prision first.
Wake up call.
Where's your thread on Paris burning?
Where's your thread on the Iraqi constitution?
Where's you thread on the economy?
Where's your thread on the decline of newspapers?
Where's the thread on the wholesale changes at MSM outlets like CBS, CNN, and now PBS?
Good hell, where's the Alito thread!?!
Not enough guidance from Kos and the DNC yet?
Not an echo chamber... Please.
if you are so concerned about all these "issues" where is your Blog? You don't have to whine about this one so much if you started your own (unless you are just hiding because you are ashamed of your blog). Man its old to hear all this wing-nut whining.
Let's see that anon post get deleted...
Didn't catch that one... Anonymous, please sign your posts with a name of some sort.
Censored... where IS your blog? For all of your comments suggesting that people here borrow opinions from Kos, it seems only fair that we should have the great honor of visiting your blog for some insight into your very unique opinions.
this is just too funny.
do you get your news from New Patriot, Censored? gee, i'm sorry we're not covering the issues you've chosen. i'll make sure the story desk assigns our blog-reporters to the staff. or maybe you could read a hundred other blogs, or start your own.
i mean, really, how idiotic. so you *wouldn't* call us an echo chamber if we posted about every news story? please. that's not even the definition of an echo chamber in the blogosphere. an echo chamber refers to people of one mindset (ideology, political party, etc.) talking amongst themselves - reinforcing and amplifying their own viewpoints.
i would argue many/most political blogs are echo chambers to a certain extent. so is political talk radio. and to some extent, that's a good thing. part of the reason New Patriot exists is (sorry) not for you, it's for us. to inform each other and talk and strategize and do all the things that engaged like-minded political people do. we don't like the direction the hijacked Republican party has taken this country or community, and this is a place for us to express that. on our terms.
another reason we exist is to challenge and engage right-wing ideology, policy, and actions. (keep in mind when i say "we" that we all have healthy differences, too.) you and Mitch and Scott and friends are apparently addicted to our little blog, and comment on nearly every post. and we hammer each other with facts and opinions, and sometimes insults, but overall it's probably typical of the polarized and heated political conversation that happens all over. not so heated in person - people are usually friendlier in person. like Mitch, he's a good guy who enjoys a fine brew. something about that (i hope) transcends political differences. in fact, i know it does.
to summarize: (1) echo chambers not necessarily bad, as long as you don't live there. (2) your presence here makes this not an echo chamber. (3) start your own bloody blog, hey?
You remind me of this one really weak performer that I recently gave a performance appraisal to.
He wanted to talk only about the few specific areas he did well at, then wanted to talk about everyone else's performance where it was weak.
It was delusional at best. If you want to look at DFL/DNC politics, you should really look at all of it, warts and all. You don't do that.
When you say, "challenge and engage right-wing ideology, policy, and actions." The same issue applies. you need to add the word "selected" in there. Now just as obviously a comprehensive platform review isn't appropriate for every thread... but the activity of the issues (in the news) might be a good guide - if you are sincere.
Until then, its just a pep-rally of Bush bashing. (And a good way for me to vent.) Its a good fit, but you really shouldn't think you're being highminded here. You're not.
Okay "boss." I stand by what I said, and I stand by what we choose to write about. If it's not to your liking, well, too bad - you have other choices. If you still think this is a "pep-rally of Bush-bashing" you're once again demostrating your willful ignorance and deafness.
Tell you what, Censored - why don't you initiate a bipartisan Minnesota blog. Find a lefty counterpart with whom you'll decide which news stories to comment on, so each story has a bipartisan take. But maybe a single comments section, so it's really one blog.
Or are you too lazy/apathetic to do that? It's easy for you to spew your hot air in the comments here, but why don't you put your money where your big mouth is.
You should read your "rules of engagement."
Seemed like a personal attack there - "willful ignorance" and "lazy/apathetic."
Once again Chuck - you're proving my point by modeling the shrill and ineffective behavior of your team.
Your classic and useless troll behavior wears thin. Thread closed.
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