Jebby Jabber
Still think Florida wasn't fixed?
Report: Jeb Bush Ignored Felon List Advice
What was achingly obvious in 2000 - that Jeb, Katherine, George, et al, did everything they could to rig the election - is just as obvious this time around. Jeb and George will do what they can to tilt it in their favor again.
Given this recent revelation, isn't it ridiculous that so many in the GOP are running around screaming about voter fraud? The idea that the Democrats will somehow enlist enough illegal voters to cheat their way to victory is an absurd notion given the fact that the dems would have to organize thousands of people. Of course Republican leadership knows this. They aren't really worried about voter fraud. They just advance the issue to whip up the base to go out to the polls and challenge supicious looking voters in order to create long lines, slow down the polling process and basically supress the vote. I mean, cmon, registering illegal voters and getting them to show up in force is a really, really inefficient way to cheat.
The Republicans are much more efficient. All they need is one or two people per state. A Governor here, a Secretary of State there and presto - Instant president.
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