Do something
Polls are still showing this election as too close to call, and the race will be won or lost on turnout. is coordinating a huge GOTV effort dubbed "Leave No Voter Behind." They've dispatched paid organizers to all the swing states (including Minnesota) to ensure a large turnout for Kerry. Their strategy is to recruit volunteers to knock on neighbors' doors within their precinct; face-to-face contact is many times more effective than phone calling alone.
Move On is running an impressively well-organized GOTV drive. How do I know? Because I'm now a volunteer in my precinct. I'm even taking Election Day off work to help get people to the polls.
If you want to be part of this, call Move On.
Minneapolis: 612-824-3521
St Paul: 651-646-8930
Woohoo! Go Spacey!
Paid organizers? Damn good idea!
I-Team investigation uncovers voter registration fraud
"Most of the fraud has come from registration drives, where people at grocery stores or on the streets ask you to sign up. 9News has learned many workers have re-registered voters multiple times by changing or making up information about them. 9News has documented 719 cases of potentially fraudulent forms at county election offices show fraudulent names, addresses, social security numbers or dates of birth in Denver, Douglas, Adams, Boulder and Lake counties. Information from other counties is still coming in."
"Some voter registration application forms are completely bogus. Others belong to legitimate voters, who have had one or two facts changed that could affect their registration when they show up at the polls November 2nd. Tom Stanislawski registered to vote six years ago. But this summer, someone signed him up again and changed his party affiliation. "My concern would be I'd walk in November 2nd and be unable to vote," he said."
"Some of the registration drive workers earn $2 per application or about $10 an hour. One woman admitted to forging three people's names on about 40 voter registration applications. Kym Cason says she was helping her boyfriend earn more money from a get-out-the-vote organization called ACORN or Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN works with low or moderate-income families on housing issues. Cason said her extra registrations earned her boyfriend $50."
"Gerald Obi says workers pressured him to keep registering to vote so they too could earn extra cash. When asked how many times he had registered this year, Obi said, "about 35 times."
Get-out-vote worker found with 300 registrations in car trunk
"A get-out-the-vote worker stopped for running a stop sign apparently was in no hurry to turn in the 300 voter registration cards police found in his trunk."
"According to police, the motorist said he was an ex-employee of Associated Community Organizations for Reform Now, a group that has been conducting a voter registration drive in Minnesota for a year."
"The liberal group boasts of having registered 1 million voters across the country since last fall, and 36,000 in Minnesota."
Honestly, lefty's are thier own worst enemies..;^)
Don't leave 'em behind? You kiddin'?
Hell we're registerin' 'em 3-4 times each. Oh, yea, they're gooood and registered!
Well it's a good thing the I-Team is on top of things...
Here's another (link)
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA | Employees of a private voter registration company allege that hundreds, perhaps thousands of voters who may think they are registered will be rudely surprised on election day. The company claims hundreds of registration forms were thrown in the trash.
Anyone who has recently registered or re-registered to vote outside a mall or grocery store or even government building may be affected.
The I-Team has obtained information about an alleged widespread pattern of potential registration fraud aimed at democrats. Thee focus of the story is a private registration company called Voters Outreach of America, AKA America Votes.
The out-of-state firm has been in Las Vegas for the past few months, registering voters. It employed up to 300 part-time workers and collected hundreds of registrations per day, but former employees of the company say that Voters Outreach of America only wanted Republican registrations.
Two former workers say they personally witnessed company supervisors rip up and trash registration forms signed by Democrats.
"We caught her taking Democrats out of my pile, handed them to her assistant and he ripped them up right in front of us. I grabbed some of them out of the garbage and she tells her assisatnt to get those from me," said Eric Russell, former Voters Outreach employee.
Eric Russell managed to retrieve a pile of shredded paperwork including signed voter registration forms, all from Democrats. We took them to the Clark County Election Department and confirmed that they had not, in fact, been filed with the county as required by law.
So the people on those forms who think they will be able to vote on Election Day are sadly mistaken. We attempted to speak to Voters Outreach but found that its office has been rented out to someone else.
The landlord says Voters Outreach was evicted for non-payment of rent. Another source said the company has now moved on to Oregon where it is once again registering voters. It's unknown how many registrations may have been tossed out, but another ex-employee told Eyewitness News she had the same suspicions when she worked there.
It's going to take a while to sort all of this out, but the immediate concern for voters is to make sure you really are registered.
Call the Clark County Election Department at 455-VOTE or click here to see if you are registered.
The company has been largely, if not entirely funded, by the Republican National Committee. Similar complaints have been received in Reno where the registrar has asked the FBI to investigate.(another here)
Oregon too! (link)
ORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Secretary of State Bill Bradbury and Attorney General Hardy Myers plan to investigate allegations that a paid canvasser might have destroyed voter registration forms.
"There have been allegations made that someone threw out some voter registration forms that had been submitted to them," Bradbury told The Associated Press late Tuesday. "This is a violation of the law and I will meet with the attorney general in the morning to talk about what we can do to pursue this, and to make sure it doesn't happen again."
Bradbury learned of the conduct from KGW-TV, which interviewed Mike Johnson, 20, a canvasser who said he was instructed to only accept Republican registration forms. He told the TV reporter that he "might" destroy forms turned in by Democrats.
"I have never in my five years as secretary of state ever seen an allegation like the one that came up tonight — ever," Bradbury said. "I mean, frankly, it just totally offends me that someone would take someone else's registration and throw it out."
Bradbury said the law requires that groups registering voters submit forms no later than five days after they were filled out. He added that canvassers can't turn away a voter because of his or her party affiliation.
Rory Smith, a spokeswoman for the Republican Party in Oregon, said the young man interviewed by KGW-TV was not in their rolls. "We do not condone this type of behavior," Smith told the Portland-based station.
In Nevada earlier Tuesday, KLAS-TV, a CBS affiliate, interviewed an employee of a private voter registration organization who said hundreds — perhaps thousands — of Democratic registration forms had been destroyed.
Eric Russell, a former Voters Outreach of America employee, told the TV station he had personally witnessed his supervisor take out Democratic registration forms from the pile and shred them.
The company has been largely funded by the Republican National Committee, the station reported.
A spokesman for the Las Vegas bureau of the FBI said he did not know if an investigation had been initiated.---------------------
South Dakota Too! (link)
Republicans Resign Over Questionable Absentee Ballot Applications
Tonight six people connected with the South Dakota republican party have resigned over questions surrounding absentee ballot applications.
The state director of the Republican Victory Program, Larry Russell is one of them, along with state republican party employee Eric Fahrendorf. Four independent contractors involved with the absentee ballot applications also resigned. They are Joe Alick, Nathan Mertz, Todd Schlekeway and Rachel Hoff.
Hoff was the notary whose signature and seal appeared on many applications from KELOLAND college students. But several students say only men were there when they filled out the forms.
Mount Marty student Cassandra Herout says, "All I know is they were gonna have the form notarized or audited or something before they sent it in. She was never present at all."
Now the party has a lot of paperwork to sort out.
Many absentee ballot applications are what led to a half dozen resignations. The people involved in securing the forms may not have always made sure a commissioned notary witnessed the voters' signatures.
In a statement, party executive director Jason Glodt says, "The South Dakota Republican Party has a zero tolerance policy regarding such matters, and on Friday and Saturday of last week accepted the resignations of the four independent contractors who were involved in the handling of absentee ballot requests"
The party also accepted Larry Russell's resignation. Russell was defeated by Larry Diedrich in the republican primary this winter in the race for Congress. Since then he's been directing the party's "get out the vote" efforts.
But the party says students who filled out these applications should still be able to vote.
Glodt says, "It is our understanding that because all of the information submitted by the voters is true and correct, all of the ballots will be counted. We are taking additional steps to ensure that each of these legitimate requests are counted."
In the next few days, GOP party members will contact each voter who requested an absentee ballot through the party. They will ask for photocopies of their IDs as a legal alternative to notarization.
Glodt says, "Because absentee ballots do not require notarization, it is unfortunate that these questions have diverted attention from legitimate requests by qualified voters."
Glodt says the party has been in contact with the secretary of state and attorney general and will cooperate with their investigation.-------------------------
Some Righty Tightys aren't doing much for their cause either, eh?
In any case, New Patriot doesn't condone this type of fraud coming from the Right or Left. And paying organizers to recruit volunteers is a little different than paying per registration, don't you think?
Executive denies voter registration forms destroyed in Nevada
Nathan Sproul of Sproul & Associates in Chandler, Ariz., told The Associated Press that there was no truth to the accusations by Eric Russell, who he called a disgruntled employee who was fired last month.
Russell, a former Voters Outreach of America employee in Las Vegas, said he witnessed his supervisor shred eight to 10 Democratic registration forms from prospective voters. Russell could not recall his supervisor's name.
Russell acknowledged he was angry at Voters Outreach for not paying him and his girlfriend hundreds of dollars for work they said they did registering voters
ORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Secretary of State Bill Bradbury and Attorney General Hardy Myers plan to investigate allegations that a paid canvasser might have destroyed voter registration forms.
Unproven allegations, just like Florida 2000. Whereas the ACORN issue, here (in MN) and in Colorado involves hard evidence and confessions.
Sounds more like each state's lefty's got their own copy of the "Election Day Manual":
Democrat playbook opened to criticism: Leaked page reveals push to use tactic of 'pre-emptive strike',1299,DRMN_36_3256347,00.html
In other words, just make it up as you go..yow.
Any conservative that resorts to cheating is a moron of the highest caliber. Why cheat when all you have to do is add water and stand back to watch the left self destruct?
Hell, most times you can even forget the water!
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