Israeli think tank: Al Qaeda is stronger
Here is another piece of evidence that there is no justification left for the invasion of Iraq:
War aiding terrorists, says Israeli think tank
Least credible of all is the idea that we are safer as a result of the war. Republicans seem to cling to the romantic idea that the world is better off because Saddam is deposed. Bush regularly taunts Kerry by saying something like, "If he had his way, Saddam Husein would still be in power!" My answer to that is, "So what?"
If we let the inspectors finish their work we would not have invaded. Yes, Saddam would be in power but he would still not be a threat. 1,000+ of our soldiers would be alive. 15,000 Iraqis would still be alive. 7,500 Americans would not be wounded. The US would be $200 billion richer. US international relations would not be in tatters. Al Qaeda would be smaller, not larger. It is possible, if the US kept its priorities straight, that we would have secured our ports and borders, nuclear facilities and added policeman and fireman to help secure our nation's cities and towns.
But the President chose a different course. It was a bad decision. It's a choice the US and the world is stuck with.
When Kerry gains the presidency, he won't be making the rounds asking our allies to join a grand diversion. Bush already tried that and it didn't wash. Kerry will be asking them to help reverse the destructive course Bush charted for the world.
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