

Winona LaDuke, Ralph Nader's running mate in 1996 and 2000, has endorsed John Kerry:

“I am voting for John Kerry this November. I love this land, and I know that we need to make drastic changes in Washington if we are going to protect our land and our communities,” La Duke said in a statement. “I'm voting my conscience on Nov. 2; I'm voting for John Kerry. He wants to move federal policies to support Native communities, whether Native farmers, businesspeople or tribal governments. We are on his radar; this is a beginning. Kerry offers other reasons for hope. He opposes converting Yucca Mountain into a nuclear waste dump. By Nov. 2, 2004, John Kerry will have earned my vote."

Ms. LaDuke, my hat is off to you. I do not grudge Nader his right to run. I also recognize the sound strategy of throwing big money behind a weak candidate likely to split your true opponent's vote. Given the opportunity to support a viable third-party candidate from the right, Democrats would break their arms writing checks and licking envelopes.

Of course there is a huge problem for candidates that accept money from ideological opposites. The problem is this: Credibility.

Just like Judas' love for silver surpassed his love for Jesus, Nader's love of his own voice on the campaign trail surpasses his love of his cause. Republican contributors, Nader's ideological opposites, account for at least 10% of Nader's campaign war chest. In traditionally liberal swing states, Oregon for instance, the percentage could be much higher.

Nader is a retarded Don Quixote, wandering the plains of the American political landscape tilting at corporate windmills with the logos of the corporations he rails against plastered all over his back. He is ridiculous. He thinks he serves his cause. But Republicans aren't that stupid. Thankfully, neither is Ms. LaDuke.


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