The world says prune Bush
Doubtless the GOP will scoff at the world's attititude towards the US of A. I would feel more comfortable and safer if we had more friends:
Poll reveals world anger at Bush
10/15/2004The world says prune Bush
Doubtless the GOP will scoff at the world's attititude towards the US of A. I would feel more comfortable and safer if we had more friends:
Is this the same Great Briton that Kerry slanders at every chance?
Is this the same France that was partaking in the debauchery of the food for oil program while at the same time selling Saddam advanced weapon systems?
French connection armed Saddam
Is this the same Austrailia that resoundingly elected a conservative parliment, and utterly crushed the liberals?
Is this the same South Korea that will be needing our help for the next 50 years?
China sends more troops to N. Korea border,4386,278118,00.html
Australian poll frees up conservatives to resume stalled reform agenda
Very impressive.
Hey, who's Mohammar Kadhaffi's choice?
Speaking of Canada, here's a noteworthy quote from a Toronto Free Press editorial today:
"America's strength doesn't stem from global popularity, America's strength stems from America's liberty and determination." "
Senator Kerry flinches at the cost of defending freedom, attacks the countries and leaders that stand with the United States against terrorism, and intends to submit to the judgment of other nations." "
With a candidate like that, the U.S. election isn't just about selecting a President; it's the new battlefront in the war on terror."
Yup, guess your right, that sounds like Kerry all the way!
First scoff! (see above) Woot!
So Swiftee... you acknowledge the US standing in the world is at an all time low?
By the way if you are going to charge France with complicity in the Oil for Food Program, Add the United States to the List. Unfortunately, big biz from all countries were equally guilty of "...partaking in the debauchery of the food for oil program while at the same time selling Saddam advanced weapon systems. Report Cites U.S. Profits in Sale of Iraqi Oil Under HusseinQuoting bits and pieces from the right wing media does not equal evidence. Paul Albers. Puh-lease. The Washington Times. Can you say Moonie? Are you a Moonie, Swiftee? Are you really so un-American that you AGREE with the agenda of the Washington Times? Do you really call that NEWS? Why the fuck do you hate America, Swiftee? Why do you hate freedom?
Thanks for the example of China moving troops. S. Korea will need our help. How are we going to do that when Chimpie in Chief keeps starting pointless wars? How are we supposed to have a unnified foreign strategy when our government lies to us at every turn? Americans tell the truth about their government, Swiftee. That's a national value. Don't puke your ideology over the page and pretend it's truth. Why do you hate the truth, Swiftee? Why do you hate America?
You America-hating mofos can kiss my red, white and blue ass. Republicans have literally ripped off the head of the US consititution and are busy shitting down its neck. I am sick of you all. I can't wait to see the back end of this administration on Nov 2.
Thanks for checking in Sen. Dayton, it's always nice to hear from you.
And please give my regards to everybody else in there with you. ;^)
Why is it we're important that the US has love and admiration of the world? You seem to think that its self evident but there really isn't any evidence.
Should the US become isolationist? Don't think so. But that alone doesn't mean its in our national interest to align ourselves with France. At the risk of sounding cliche, what about Poland? This really begs the larger question, how good were these relations before? On the surface they were cordial, and we didn't find the blatent opposition we see today, but were they really any different?
I agree that our status in the world is troubling. But I think its more of a result of not choosing our friends carefully enough in the past. We're paying for our failures. We failed in Africa on so many levels. We have allowed the middle east to be a series of strongmen that have ruthlessly oppressed the people, we abandoned the Shah (good!) but left the people to the depredations of the islamic republic. (worse.) And now we reap what we have sown, in Somolia, Iraq, and Afghanistan today. Look at a map, its clear that "axis of evil" plank holder Iran is next. How much more blood will that one spill?
How did all this happen? International opinion and the diplomacy of the UN, NATO and 100 other treaties where the US fought to keep the cold war cold. These were the compromises. Was it worth it? Well, my children don't glow in the dark. Not yet anyway. I hope that we didn't just delay it.
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