Kombat Keyboard Award
Congratulations to John Hinderaker for being awarded the Kombat Keyboard Badge with Double Chickenhawks.To be eligible for the Komat Keyboard, one must have risked nothing to advocate the Iraq war, while promoting it vociferously. However, to win the coveted Kombat Keyboard with Double Chickenhawks, one must go above and beyond the call of duty. For this, we salute you, Mr. Hinderaker.
Nothing bothers war-floggers more than being called a chickenhawk, because there's a little too much truth in packed into that little three syllable word, as Aaron Kinney points out in Salon:
It looks like Shapiro and Goldberg need some context. Contrary to what Shapiro says, we don't disagree with the principle that "those who do not serve in the military have just as much of a right to speak out about foreign policy as those who do." The problem is that we have a "chickenhawk" epidemic on our hands, beginning with an administration that's top-heavy with people who lust for war but haven't served in any themselves....
The other important bit of context here is the military's shortage of soldiers. Now that the ranks are thin, where are the war supporters who are willing to follow former professional football player Pat Tillman's lead and abandon a life of privilege to sacrifice for his country? People like Goldberg and the editors of The Weekly Standard may throw the word "sacrifice" around at Washington cocktail parties, but whether they'd be willing to sacrifice a family member to install an Iranian proxy in Iraq is another issue altogether.
Which other Minnesotans are eligible for this illustrious award?
That's awesome. Now Luke isn't telling people they can't have an opinion unless they've been there, but he is linking these other guys who are... Rich indeed.
Here's a guy who took on the MSM, the liberal media machine and exposed it for what it is. Risked nothing? He's just lucky the smear didn't stick.
Which just begs the question, what have you all done? Want to list some accomplishements?
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