Minnesota blogs I've seen recently
Here's a couple Minnesota blogs I've been checking out lately. Some of them haven't updated in a few days, but I hope they will soon.
A Nod To Nothing a fellow nerd blogging about life and politics from Eagan.
Minneapolis Upside Down is creating a slate for The Worst Government Money Can Buy in Minneapolis -- the most ineffectual, pathetic, and/or corporate-friendly Council-members in the city. Up next is Ward 10. Will my man Scott Persons make an appearance?
Minneapolis Confidential has it in for Ward 6's Dean Zimmerman, do-nothing Green.
Middlebrow Minnesota doesn't update much, but when he does it's worth reading.
Northstar Politics -- surely it's a mistake that NSP isn't on our blogroll already?!?
Knowledge -- Brian Hokanson, formerly blogging at Frozen Tundra and now attending the U of M, has a new gig, with a couple of guest posters. He's aiming at a more in-depth style. I'll be checking in regularly to see how it turns out.
The Cucking Stool provides a cure for the "common scold". Read this if you want to know what a razor-tounged Dalmatian from Edina has to say about Minnesota politics, and credulous columnists like Katherine Kersten. Funnier than it sounds.
Update: The Minneapolis Observer is also sporting a new look and now has link-able Ballot Box posts.
Well, Spotty thought it was pretty damn funny when he picked the name. Spot appreciates the plug, the description, and he will try to live up to the billing.
Keep it up Spot.
Love the dog.
I'm just flattered and wanted to express my gratitude for the compliment above. Other than a personal friend, nobody has said anything nice about Minnesota Middlebrow yet. Thanks for the mention, and of course, I think the New Patriot just rocks.
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