President Bush’s televised address to the nation produced no noticeable bounce in his approval numbers, with his job approval rating slipping a point from a week ago, to 43%, in the latest Zogby International poll. And, in a sign of continuing polarization, more than two-in-five voters (42%) say they would favor impeachment proceedings if it is found the President misled the nation about his reasons for going to war with Iraq.
The impeachment sentiment is even more mainstream than I thought. Around 50% on the coasts and in blue states. Demand accountability.
I'm still against it. Why? President Cheney.
What if we impeached Cheney instead of Bush? After all, who's really in charge? Bush would be like a boat without a rudder.
I'm totally going to make IMPEACH CHENEY t-shirts.
Wow, talk about reading what you want to into the survey...
That whole "if it is found the President misled the nation" thing should provide you pause.
I suspect you could get similiar results asking "if it is found that the President misled a Federal Court"
Without that finding, the results are pretty weak.
Not to mention considering the source. Zogby consistently over estimated Democratic support and under estimated Republicans during the last major election cycle.
This is silly, even for this crowd.
I can read the survey just fine, thanks.
My comment on Mitch's blog:
True, Zogby has lost some credibility -- but even so, throw some more slop into the margin of error if you want -- we're still talking about numbers much bigger than the (yawn) Democratic Underground.
And really, why shouldn't that be the case? After all, if the President commmitted an impeachable offense, it's perfectly reasonable to put that on the table.
Yet when it comes to the last nagging little detail the "impeachable offense" the Left just cannot seem to find one. Attempts are made daily yet it isn't going to happen.
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