Twas barely a few issues ago, and [NR editor Rich Lowry] was trumpeting loudly and unambiguously in a NR cover story on Iraq, "We're Winning."
The situation migrated south since then, and today he has an article on NRO hedging, "It's Winnable." So we were were definitely winning in Iraq a couple months ago, and now it's still possible to pull out a win, and presumably a month or two from now it'll be "There's Still an Outside Shot at Winning," and a few months after that it'll be "How We Could Have Won If All of My Previous Articles Had Panned Out."
You left out my favorite part of JW's post:
He also brought a thread of silver lining into the Corner with a post about the latest lousy Iraq poll numbers titled, I am not making this up, "PUBLIC OPINION ON IRAQ--COULD BE WORSE."
Well, I can't just copy the whole dang thing, can I? ;)
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