
Blogosphere Insider: Power Line

We don't spent much time on New Patriot saying nice things about our neighbors at Power Line. What with the gaping ideological divide. But they really are nice chaps. I thought I'd throw a couple trivia bits out there - and not because I'm sucking up to become a Live 8 backstage blogger. It's just for fun!

1) Both John Hinderaker and Scott Johnson love Curb Your Enthusiasm. Seriously. Love it. It's what diffused the pre-interview tension when I talked to them last year.

2) Mrs. Hinderaker likes checking Drudge first thing (no surprsise) - but she's also a HUGE fan of PBS Kids. Absolutely loves it, and their 3 lovely daughters have enjoyed plenty of family-safe PBS programming.

3) Their daughters? Totally have a sister blog. Pictures of horses and things. It's a big bowl of cute.

4) I figured they'd be all about PCs, but nope - Hinderaker has a cool iMac and burns home movie DVDs.

This has been Blogosphere Insider. Stay tuned next week for delightful tales of Joe Trippi's Pepsi and chewing tabacco habits.

Oh yeah -- I guess President Bush made a speech. I think it was a repeat, though.


At 9:05 AM, Blogger Robin said...

suck up.

You're going to lose your street cred...


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

i had street cred? shit. :-)

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

I thought you were on their shit list after you "Michael Moore'd" them.

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if their enthusiasm for CURB has been rattled at all by Larry David's work at the Huffington Post. His latest post has some funny, pointed barbs for Bush, Rove, and Co. Look for David to be now declared "unfunny" by Hinderaker.

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Looks like the Star & Sickle has been inflating circulation.

What's up with that?


At 4:07 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

huh... not surprising i suppose.

shitlist: yeah, i probably am. i saw scott johnson at the citizen media fair a few weeks ago (he totally got served by the dude from cursor.org). i said hi, but i got a bit of a chilly greeting returned. sort of like seinfeld when he says, "Hello, Neuman."

but, you know, they michael moore'd themselves.

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, they like fluffy things? That's nice. It's always nice to see that asshole conservative fuckers like fluffy things. That's what gives Lileks his particularly vomit-inducing bilious quality.


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