Wow, just wow
Right-wingers have an amazing ability to construct their own reality from the whole cloth. Once a blogger has pronouced "doubts" about something, the story snowballs until everyone in the flog-o-sphere takes these "doubts" as the Gospel truth. This has happened many times, most notably with the Swift Boat Veterans for "Truth"...who turned out to be huge liars. But the "doubt" they shed on Senator Kerry's military record remains, to this day, a matter of faith among the wing nuts.
Case in point: Mitch Berg on the Downing Street Memos.
Exactly no one of any relevence believes these memos are fake. Not even Power Line, those heros of Rathergate, thinks they are fake. But all it took for Mitch was for one of his blog buddies to initimate that there was something fishy about those memos! After a couple of days of this meme rattling around the flog-o-sphere, it has become firmly entrenched in Mitch's mind. (Read RawStory's article Confirming the Downing Street documents for the evidence that the forgery crowd is full of it.)
Today he wrote, "all the other 'surprise documents' the left has trotted out that have fallen flat - the TANG and now Downing Street memos jump immediately to mind".
Whatever, Mitch.
A little reading comprehension; I never said the Downing Memos were "fake"; the point is that the left is putting a lot of eggs in that basket, again; yet again, its much ado about nothing. Let's look back through all the earth-shaking controversies the left has tried to gin up that went nowhere...
By the way, what's this obsession with Powerline? We're not leftyblogs; we don't all take marching orders from the 2-3 biggest blogs!
Captain's Quarters screamed fake,fraud,or forgery last week. It doesn't matter which, he planted a seed.
There's a lesson there folks, cry wolf often enough and no one believes you if you do find something real.
That aside, the idea that going to war was considered, decided and then concrete actions taken to garner support really isn't a condemnation at all. The same fundemental reasons for the war were just as valid at the time of the memo as at the time of action.
Even if its true, which it may be (I'm skeptical of the sources, not the info.) its hardly a smoking gun.
I read Ed, and all he said was that the memos could not be authenticated - that the reporter had typed them up (on a manual typewriter!) and destroyed the originals.
Imagine if the Administration came out with documents "proving" that Hussein and Bin Laden had exchanged spittle in 1996 that had been through the same process. You people would be howling like Dave Matthews fans whose hackey sacks and chiba were stolen.
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