Hey left-wing blogosphere...right-wing blogosphere... in-between-o-sphere and media-curious!
Join us July 9 for Vloggercue Midwest.
We'll play some selected videoblogs, show you how easy it is to set up your own, and announce a new Minnesota-themed daily videoblog. Oh yeah... we'll eat and drink and babble ot each other, too.
Geeky? Of course. Fun? Hell yeah. Educational? I'm afraid so - but mostly fun.
July 9, 2-6 PM | Downtown Minneapolis
Bring a camera, bring some beer - all the details are over here. Spread the word. Mitch and NARNies -- come on down after the show and have a beer. I'd love to see Minnesota political bloggers posting some video rants. Even more, I'd like to see y'all square off in a 3-minute debate on an issue every week. Let's talk.
I was just thinking that vlogging would be especially valuable for low-income folks who may not be the best writers or web designers in the world, but probably have lots of valuable things to say to us all. My dream is to someday have public library web stations set up so that patrons could vlog w/o having to own a computer or be particularly web savvy.
This is especially necessary now that local news stations are no longer required to air opposing views. (Remember when your freakin' next door neighbor would show up on the news on some Tuesday night, ranting about zoning laws?)
That's great, your dream is to have my taxes pay for people to rant.
How is that "especially valuable?"
That would be amazing. Right now hey can recieve information and talk back in text, but it will definitely move in the direction of audio/video. May or may not be in a library, since it's more demanding and intrusive to the environment to actually talk instead of type on a keyboard. And of course, a private booth isn't so good, what with the porn. :-)
Toronto's famous CityTV has "Speaker's Corner" where people can go in an unstaffed booth and record rants about whatever, and they play that stuff on tv (and presumably the web site) all the time. I've been a longtime advocate of that concept. You'll probably end up seeing it at a commercial station but really the PUBLIC stations should be doing it first.
I should say - for this Vloggercue event, you don't need some fancy digital camera. If your phone or still camera takes video, as many now do, that's often all ya need.
last comment:!
just come if you're curious and cameraless, too.
censored: what's wrong with having your taxes pay for helping draw attention to low-income people's voice in the community? Democracy isn't free, right?
Chuck: yeah there's some logistic obstacles, but dang it does seem like something to strive toward don't it? Most libraries are pretty noisy community centers now as it is -- the "quiet" library is a thing of the past -- so I doubt private booths would be necessary. And anyway I bet some of these community vloggers would "perform" better with an audience gathered round!
OK I dare to dream, I admit it...
Vloggercue does sound very cool even for a cameraless prole like me: it's scheduling is inauspicious though, being the day before me birfday! Wait, maybe that's auspicious? OK I'll stop now.
The point is that everyone has a voice, they are free to write, speak, engage, distribute, publish or otherwise share thier perspectives in accordance with the first ammendment.
However, when you provide an amplifier to some particular it comes at the expense of everyone else that doesn't recieve the assistance.
The playing field is level, it doesn't need correction.
so kids in the hood have the same opportunities as rich kids now? and the digital divide has been erased? wow, i must have missed that colossal shift. awesome.
Chuck -
If you don't allow people any incentive to prosper, why would they?
The number 1 & 2 reasons I work so hard are my children, and providing them the advantages I want for them is what I choose to do.
If you don't want to put in the effort, then don't expect me to carry your kids along at parity. "Hood" and "Rich" kid are simply discriptions of the sacrifice of others. I know parents of kids who go to school with mine that can't afford a car, and aren't eating ramen by choice, but they do live in the neighborhood that affords their kids advantages.
Regardless, any child has access to schools and for the vaunted "digital divide," how do you explain the all the knuckleheads on the web? (just look at Kos or Frep)
Having a computer doesn't make you smart, and being on your own private TV channel is just blogging for people who won't learn to type.
Feel free to spend your time on it, but don't spend my money.
what difference does it make whether your money is spent on a public school with a computer or a public library? i know you'd rather your money not fund any public services - so i can put you in that little ideological box - but i don't get that particular distinction.
as to wether it's best for kids to be typing or making media - you're not keeping pace with our media-centric culture or our media-centric kids.
I'd love to be able to make it, Chuck, but the NARN has an invite to a soiree with the right wing daisy chain at an undisclosed location Saturday.
As to using tax money to pay for "vlogger"ing - subsidies always come with strings. If an idea has any validity, it'll get out to whomever needs it.
I'm not sure that videoblogging has legs; it's expensive as hell, like everything to do with video, and the time investment in learning to do the kind of production value anyone would want to *watch* is pretty steep, you gotta admit...
sorry to miss you there mitch. email me though -- i'd seriously like to get you involved in my forthcoming videoblog project, it will get some attention. (not like you need more of that!)
about videoblogging... think of the reaction to reality tv, and blogging, only a few years ago. people's perceptions will change. and really, how many of those 600 cable channels has anything interesting or approaching your reality?
in a year's time, my guess is it will be hard to by a cellphone or camera that *doesn't* take good web-quality video or better. we're in the early adopter stage now, but the cost and audience are shifting rapidly .
did you see that iTunes has podcasts and videoblogs and podcasts now?
Sure - worth a look.
I have a face for podcasting. I'll ping you.
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