The Christian Flag
Back in April, Chris noted the alarming "Christian pledge" recited at the Reclaiming America for Christ conference:
I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.
Scary stuff for those of us who believe, as the Constitution states, that this is a secular country that welcomes people of all faiths -- or none at all. Congress shall make no law establishing religion, and there shall be no religious tests for public office.
But I didn't realize that someone decided to make an actual Christian Flag.
(Note: this is different than the universalist Christian flag, which stands for international Christianity and is used in many churches. The US Christian Flag is American-only.)
Marcia Thompson Eldreth says God told her to create this flag. Sadly, No! compares it to a certain other religious flag.
I thought the Dominionists at that conference were pledging allegiance to the US flag. If they were using this one, in a way, it is less freaky. Because Eldreth doesn't believe Old Glory is the Christian Flag.
I especially love the little bloodstains on the crucifix. (Is the eagle really gigantic or is the crucifix just tiny?)
Allow me to say that is one ugly-ass flag. Christians need to definitely look to other faiths in matters of design; witness the elegant Star of David or the serene Crescent and Star. An enraged eagle clasping a blood-soaked cross doesn't really cut it.
At an absolute minimum, the enraged bloody-cross-bearing eagle needs an exploding Earth behind it.
Why does religion scare you so? Seems like you are rather weak minded to let it have such an effect upon your persona
(Resisting temptation to link religion and being "weak-minded")
what frightens us here, Anon - please sign your posts btw - is not religion, or spirituality. Not at all. what's frightening is the hopefully small group of fanatics who want their brand of religion to control the U.S. government. THAT'S a scary prospect, especially considering some of those folks have the ear of the president.
Still making a big mistake.
The Dem's have decided that the ONLY way they could be getting their asses kicked with such alarming regularity in election after election is the existance of some sort of anti-democrat cult.
Since they watch too much TV, they decided it was really the 700 club.
Now they are focused with laser like intensity on exposing the ignorance of those that dare oppose the progressive agenda they are driving.
They don't realize (or refuse to realize) that its not a tiny fringe of religious nutbags that are consistently costing them elections. Its the failure of their party to stand for anything meaningful.
Examine the top line agenda items of the Dems.
1. "Appologize" for something that is history having no impact on the present.
2. Use a loophole to obstruct the nominations of federal appeals judges.
3. Call their opposition "Nazis"
4. Try to raise taxes.
5. Complaining that the Koran is mishandled and not shown respect while insulting all christians. (Its not the content that's important here, its the inconsistancy.)
6. Waxing nostalgic over Vietnam and Watergate.
7. Alienating top supporters to raise funds via the internet (sans Trippy.)
Its really a shame too. We could use a decent opposition party, but you all need to stop attacking these red herrings and deal with what's really wrong with your party.
Good Luck!
Anonymous - I don't think most of us here are afraid of religion per se, in fact some of us have been known to attend church services. However, some of the nutty shit that people pull in the name of christianity just doesn't fly with us... I don't imagine the Episcopal Church, for example, will be adopting that flag any time soon.
Tim - I agree. Ugly-ass, indeed. Some of the different christian denominations have much more tasteful flags, thankfully. The traditional christian flag and the Episcopal flag, for example are much more tasteful.
Censored - Blah, blah, blah. Any advice for your own party?
That flag looks like a bad tattoo.
Brushing a lot of that aside - Censored I think your underlying point is accurate. While I think it's important (and ocassionally entertaining/mind-blowing) to keep an eye on the fringes, overall the Dems need to project a positive message to America.
Religion is certainly a biggie. John Edwards is particularly good at talking about religion and the bible, and making the connection between the bible's message of helping the poor and connecting that to the core of Democratic values. Judging a society by the least among us -- and with even Greenspan acknolwedging the troubling and increasing gap between the very rich and the rest of us, it's plain to see Republicans are selling out both democratic and Christian values.
It would be like the Right drawing attention to the morons riding their bikes naked and saying "that's what's wrong with the left."
Instead they bring up real arguements with substance and ignore that nonsense. People can agree or not, whatever, but there's a serious discussion.
Not saying they aren't above the occasional "Freedom Fry" shenanigans, but the overall tone is much more serious.
We'd all get further if your side did the same.
"It would be like the Right drawing attention to the morons riding their bikes naked and saying 'that's what's wrong with the left.'"
You don't read very many conservative blogs or listen to much talk radio, do you?
It would be like the Right drawing attention to the morons riding their bikes naked and saying 'that's what's wrong with the left.'
Goodness, you've just described The Dennis Prager Show in a nutshell. Speaking of which, since these are tough times for the right, allow me to help:
"Hey, that Christian flag is ugly. That means they're stupid!"
There, that should be of some nourishment for awhile.
Your responses reinforce my point that the fringe (biblethumpers and talk radio guys) are NOT the folks kicking your asses.
No, I don't listen to talk radio, not Prager, nor Air America, nor MPR.
I do read a lot of different blogs, but I stay away from Kos and Free Republic. I do put you folks in that same catagory as those, but because you're local you demand more attention.
Those "biblethumpers" sure can make the Republican Party dance when they say so.
Face it, they are your base. Your party alienates them at its peril. Without them, you could not win.
And just about every righty blog I've ever read mocks loonys on the left, people who have no power or influence. Ward Churchill, anyone? Power Line has spent the last 6 months telling us that Churchill is the spokesman for the anti-war left...I'd never even heard of him before.
Of course there's always this option if that one doesn't work (via Snopes).
Isn't that flag just a group of peoples own "personal" flag? I don't think that its recieved as an official "US Christian Flag" is it?
I agree that it isnt very good looking for a Christian flag.
Scooter: That picture is cool!
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