
Unfit to Save

Marshall Wittmann: "The ugly truth is that if Jesus of Nazareth himself returned and dared to run on the Democratic line the righteous right would tar him as a bleeding heart vagabond who couldn't hold a job and that he needed a shave. No doubt a Galilee Fishingboat Veterans for Truth outfit would call into question Jesus' miracle claims - financed with lavish funding from Rove's buddies in Texas and maximum exposure on Fox News. Just imagine the book - 'Unfit to Save'."

-- Mad Magazine


At 9:33 AM, Blogger DavidD said...

altruism meets egoism. I like it and it got a few good laughs at work and spawned a pretty good political debate.

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the "logic" of those who cry "Chickenhawk", you really should make sure you practice EVERY SINGLE THING preached by Christ and the Bible before you invoke them in any way.

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what in the world is thats. is that how you truly feel after jesus died for you, you turn around and talk about him that not funny what so ever. you really need to think about getting jesus in your life. all you gat to do is ask him to come in your heart.


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