From The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson: The Pretty Boys and Dirty Deals of Henry Willson:
The conservative homosexual is, and never has been, an anomaly. Or a rarity. From Roy Cohn to journalist Whittaker Chambers, prominent gay men found it professionally advantageous in the era of HUAC to position themselves to the right of California's senator-turned-vice-president Richard M. Nixon. It was a time when the epithets "pinko" and "fag" were often interchangeable.
In 1950, Republican National Chairman Guy George Gabrielson issued the announcement that "sexual perverts who have infiltrated our government in recent years [were] perhaps as dangerous as the actual Communists." As the HUAC hearings proceeded, the State Department fired 425 employees on the basis of their "homosexual proclivities." To Senator McCarthy, a subversive was a subversive. "If you want to be against McCarthy, boys, you've got to be a Communist or a cocksucker," said the Senator.
I suppose it's worth mentioning that Joe McCarthy was also a gay alcoholic.
In more recent news, BlogActive is now busy outing closeted gay Republicans.
Perversion knows no boundries, but rests best among those who celebrate it.
I am surprised you acknowledge the perv party going on in the GOP right now. I didn't give you enough credit.
Afterall, we both know that it isn't really being gay that's perverted. Pretending to walk the family-values line while writing mash notes to 16-year-olds, or being the gay chair of the party that crafted the most homophobic platform in history, or I don't know, being a sex creep on craigs list while fundraising for Bush.
The GOP celebrates perversion in a way that people more comfortable in their own skin simply can't comprehend. It's insightful of you to recognize that, Swiftee. Credit is due.
FWIW I think it's perverse to consider homosexuality a perversion.
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