
Bachman: Global warming not a fact

Of all the Minnesota candidates, Bachmann is the one that scares me the most. She is oh-so-carefully packaged to look like a nice modereate mommy, but scratch the surface and out pops a Dominionist tool who doesn't believe in the US constitution, public education, basic freedoms, science or nuclear restraint.

It isn't surprising that Bachmann doesn't believe in Global Warming. What is surprising is that she uses another thing she doesn't believe in, Science, to discredit it.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

Michele Bachmann movies has more entertainment.

At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will say it again, the earth has been warmer and colder than it is now. There is ZERO evidence that the current temp and the most wildly projected temps are outside historic norms.

Efforts to reduce or rollback CO emissions are either doomed to failure (see Kyoto, no nation that has signed up will EVER meets it obligations outsoie russia which has lost a decent size chunk of it's economy, the only way to meet the goals). Overall the best that can be done is to slow the rate of carbon emissions to a lesser degree but with a growing population it will not rollback. Even to achieve the insignificant rollbacks will require dramatic changes and will result in increased poverty worldwide.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

Sorry Dave, sitting on your hands and pretending it't not real is defeatist and nearly immoral in the face of the facts.

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michele is going to be a GREAT member of congress.

I just hope that reigning in the 5th district's contribution to racism, anti-Semitism, and support for Islamic terrorists doesn't take too much of her time away from the issues she is being sent there to take care of.

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"and support for Islamic terrorists"

You mean the same terrorists that Bush hosted at the White House and praised?

At 1:58 AM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

You mean the same terrorists the US is training in Iraq?

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where in my post did I state wheter global warming is real or not. My point was if it is real (not again my position is not stated) what will we do about it and at what cost to the economy now and in the future.

Are you going to retrofit your home to be weather tight enough to use the on-site wind and soloar power required to meet Kyoto like regulations? Can you even afford them? How well will they work with the neighbors trees blocking a good portion of the sun to your yard? Is you house and garage built properly to add thousands of pounds of equipment?

These are thie things we ALL will have to do to roll back to 1990 CO2 emmisions as required by Kyoto. All for what a slim to non-existant chance to change the weather.

Also the thought that the world has maintained a constant tempurature over millenia is just plain stupid. As I pointed out in my original post the world has been warmer and colder than it currently is on more than one occasion in each direction. Why is that so bad that we must completly destroy society as we know it to maybe make a slight change?

I can go on but you might have enough reading comprehension to understand at this point why I do not fall into the global warming is death to all camp.

If you wan to discuss further i suggest you start by listing what steps you have taken to reduce your CO2 foot print.


At 7:32 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...


How about you provide some links instead of making things up? The idea that Kyoto would require you or I to do anything to our homes is ridiculous. Read about the Kyoto protocol here.

Your point (again, links would help) about the earth being hotter or cooler miss the point. First of all, the *rate* at which the earth is heating up is unprecedented and is caused by human industrial activity. Furthermore, Did you know the U.S. is the largest polluter in the world? Did you know 2006 has been the warmest year on record? Have you seen how our nation's shorelines will shrink if warming and polluting continue at the current rate?

I suspect you don't care - you seem resigned to being helpless and sitting on your hands. It's that sort of attitude that will enable for Katrina-level disasters in the future, because of not planning for the realities of stronger storms and rising sea levels. Read more about why we should act now.

You talk about things we can do to reduce CO2 emissions. Now that is a generally fruitful conversation that we should be having. Saint Paul is one of many cities that recognizes the benefits and importance of reducing CO2 emissions.

At 4:27 AM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

Chuck is right, Kyoto doesn't require anyone to do anything to their homes.

However, we converted our car to run on vegetable oil. We will eventually install a windmill to power our home.

I think you have a point, but it's a point on which most of us agree. That is, none of us know for sure what will happen if current trends continue. But all things being equal, why not take the steps neccessary to eliminate the behavior that may lead to a cataclysmic event? What if the probability is only 5% that our behavior will result in a world-changing trend. What kind of action and investment would you make if you substituted "terrorism" for "climate change?" Would you change your behavior to prevent a terrorist attack? Would you put up those solar panels to prevent another 9-11? How about to prevent something that has an impact of several million 9-11s?

Global warming isn't for sure, but it's a definite possiblity. So why fight the common sense premise of pitching in to make things better? Many hands make light work. How about it?

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

I didn't know (or remember) you converted your car to run on veg oil -- cool! And a strange coincidence, because I'm about to post a video about a Minneapolis guy who owns an RV on grease, mostly from Chinese and Japanese restaurants.


He does have to get diesel gas sometimes (to start it up) but most of his fuel is free and doesn't harm the environment. Doesn't get much more common sense than that.

But Chris, global warming *is* for sure - it's undisputed by scientists and even our government. And I think implied by your post. :-)

At 12:46 AM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

I accept the findings of 99.9% of credible scientific studies. They conclude that global warming is for real. They also agree that the consequences are largely unknown, though we can point with reasonable certainty to what will happen if trends continue.

What I meant when I loosely said that "global warming isn't for sure..." is that we can't see with absolute certainty the consequences of the trend.


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