New Lancet study: US has killed more civilians than Saddam
Iraqi Death Toll Exceeds 600,000, Study Estimates
This study, "The Human Cost of the War in Iraq," puts civilian fatalities at 426,369 to 793,663 but gives a 95% certainty to the figure of 601,027.
I can't wait for the wingnuts (who of course have never taken statistics) to come out of the woodwork to "discredit" this study.
Discredit the study?
On the contrary I think that this study proves beyond any doubt, once and for all, definitively, irrevocably and inalterably that the only reasonable course for America is to self-detonate our nuclear arsenal in-situ and wipe ourselves from the face of the planet.
Europe should follow suit of course, leaving the planet in the wise hands of Cuba, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and of course the peace loving, enlightened nation-states of the African continent.
Then, and only then can the human family embrace the paradise that awaits it.
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