I'd Vote for Vilsack
Amanda Congdon has a two part interview with Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack, considered a likely presidential candidate in 2008. His integrity, intelligence, and ability to communicate are refreshing. He's probably too down-to-earth for many folks outside the Midwest, but who knows? I think we could use a midwestern president in these times.
Definitely check out part two where he talks about energy independence as homeland security. Or for a much faster download, MP3 of the entire interview.
nooooo!!!! he's too dlc.
the candidate has to be proud to be a democrat and refrain from the usual, "democrats suck because ..." routine. if vilsack can't refrain from hating on his own party, he doesn't deserve to lead it.
now that my boy warner is gone, i have no idea who i'm supporting:
half the country hates hillary.
wes clark has no money.
russ feingold brings out those anti-semitic, divorse-hating red-staters.
bayh has an even worse case of dlc syndrome.
people are still sick of kerry.
edwards has no foreign policy experience.
biden, dodd, daschle, and richardson aren't serious candidates.
who's left?
how sad when not being overly partisan is equated with "democrats suck." frankly i think the dem party needs to be freed from such narrow definitions.
still, Vilsack doesn't have broad appeal. Feingold is probably my other favorite...
no, you don't have to be partisan to hate on your party. bob casey comes to mind...
vilsack and evan bayh have that problem though. i'd go for anyone who can actually say what they believe (kerry couldn't... hillary can't) and who doesn't bash their party for political points.
oops, that first sentence made no sense. i meant one can be liberal, moderate or conservative but still be proud of their party and not trash it all the time. reagan called "not trashing your fellow party member" the 11th commandment... it creates party responsibility and accountability to the public.
democrats ALWAYS "show" how moderate they are by saying how other democrats suck for this and that reason (ahem, Vilsack and the DLC). Dems should be proud of their party and proud of their positions. Bob Casey and Ben Nelson are great examples of this. Vilsack and Bayh are not.
Vilsack shouldn't even be considered. He hasn't done much here and I don't think he could even carry Iowa. Vilsack is a sure loser.
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