
Fantasy World

Glenn Greenwald rocks. He takes aim at the sadly predictable response of parrot-like Bush loyalists to "those griping ex-generals":

There is no fact which can't be dismissed away, no source whose motives are beyond reproach, no event which can't be blamed on others. [...]

It is a resolute fantasy world that they cling to for dear life, because everything that matters to them resides in that world. And the most significant aspect of all is that the person most afflicted with this fact-immune syndrome is the person who resides in the White House and controls our Government, and will for the next 2 1/2 years. There are few situations more destructive and dangerous than for a volatile situation to be controlled by people for whom faith in one's own rightness is infinitely more persuasive, and more sacred, than facts and reality.

Having just watched Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, I can't help but see the parallels. The shameless arrogance, the grand deception, cashing in on imaginary futures by sticking it to regular working people today.

Just look at the headlines from the same 24 hours. Former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling thinks he and Ken Lay were a "good team" that committed no crimes. President Bush says Rumsfeld has my full support and deepest appreciation. Well, you know what they say: Birds of a feather...


At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think some of your team expressed confidence in Harry Reid, better add them to your list.

That was a silly arguement.



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