Bush Betrays America.... again!
Hughes for America writes:
Michelle Malkin, describing a protest in Los Angeles, said, "Mexican flags and signs advocating ethnic separatism and supremacy filled the landscape." Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode, making a blanket statement about protesters, said, "I say if you are here illegally and want to fly the Mexican flag, go to Mexico and wave the American flag." Goode's congressional colleague, Sen. John McCain, warned protesters that we're in "sensitive times" and said "the Hispanic community risks a backlash if it become unruly or too many Hispanic flags - and not enough American flags - are at these protests."
That's right folks, and now, our worst fears are realized. The President himself has gone "south of the border" - mentally and politically. Here he is waving a Mexican flag. What a traitor!

For some level-headed thinking, read To Become an American by Fareed Zakaria.
Yeah, cause if St Malkin sez it we all line up to repeat it. Oh wait, I'm thinking of you guys parroting Kos. Nevermind.
Why does the left constantly make the mistake of thinking that there is only "one" perspective from the right?
For the same reason the you make the mistake of thinking that there is only one perspective from the left.
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