Breaking Story: American Family Association beside its gosh darn self
The American Family Association has launched a consumer campaign against Australia Tourism's new advertisement because it contains the phrase, "bloody hell." AFA director of special projects, Randy Sharp, offers this insight:
It's a shocking phrase because we're not familiar with it.
When you think 'bloody' in America you think the red liquid that flows from human bodies which is usually a sign of some kind of violence," Sharp said.Australians are spending all of these millions of dollars inviting us, and if we go over there are we going to be exposing our kids to foul language and images of bloody? We don't want our kids to hear the term 'bloody'.
Mr. Sharp continued on to say that a trip to Australia was ok for youngsters if they were prepared with several hours of in-flight Holy Snuff films like the 2 hour long torture epic, The Passion of the Christ. "That," he said with a grin, "would put the perspective back in bloody."
Its funny because there's no nutters on the left.
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