Delay won't seek re-election
I imagine we will hear much, much more about this as the news unfolds. Drunk on power and a belief system that is basically the antithesis of a constitutional republic, Delay typifies the kind of Republican that is either on the way to jail or out of power or both.
Chalk another one up for the country.
UPDATE: Not only won't he be running, he's going to resign. I think we can safely put the "Ronnie Earle is a partisan hack..." lie behind us. Unfortunately, what we have to look forward to now is a bunch of right wing windbags running around with tubes of lipstick trying like hell to gussy up the pig:
"He has served our nation with integrity and honor," said Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio
Say what? That's right. Tell it Hon. John Boehner. You just KNOW that the name Tom Delay means integrity and honor. That's why he was indicted and is resigning in disgrace. I just love that GOP, values party lipstick. Sooooeeee!
Pride goeth before the fall...
smeels like taint.
hey, just curious - do you guys read the news ever?
watchoo mean Chuck?
They can't all be gems like your McKinney.
CD, i was merely mocking our little troll.
Nice headlines for Tom "The Hammer" Delay... "Hammer falls on top Republican."
By troll you mean isolated voice of reason of course.
You guys never did answer the question though.
Do any of you watch TV news? I'm genuinely curious.
I usually watck a couple of news programs a day. I often have cspan on in the background.
I don't have a TV, so no I do not usually watch TV news. I find it insipid in any case.
(in a snotty tone) "I don't watch news.... I read news."
I'm not surprised by the answers, my liberal friends are pretty much the same. MPR and on line news.
I was wondering why CBS is going with another avowed leftie (Katie Couric.) I don't get a sense that you guys are into network news anyway.
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