
Freedom fighters fighting for truth through freedom

From the deparment of So What Else is New, comes evidence that Bush knew Iraqi trailers were not mobile WMD labs well before he loudly proclaimed "We have found the weapons of mass destruction."

And of course, he continued to call them mobile laboratories for many months. Shocking.

Here's another shocker:

After team members returned to Washington, they began work on a final report. At several points, members were questioned about revising their conclusions, according to sources knowledgeable about the conversations. The questioners generally wanted to know the same thing: Could the report's conclusions be softened, to leave open a possibility that the trailers might have been intended for weapons?

Guess what? We wuz conned.


At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember that Tommy Jefferson and Benny Franklin told us there will be, from time to time the need for Patriots to spill blood for our freedom as unattended this form of goverment would become corrupt! May God bless this great nation as we American have no idea who is in the White House now and who is in charge?


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