
The Masters of the Universe are parasites

After I read last week about how bond king Michael Gross dropped the equivalent of several thousand worker salaries on a coupla postage stamps, I knew that the parasitic neo-gilded age was in full swing. Now we get to hear that investment bankers stand to reap enormous bonuses this year:

Economically, the year-end bonus makes up most of a Wall Street professional's compensation. Socially, the bonus - and the real estate, art and NetJets shares purchased with it - determines who will be the year's Masters of the Universe. This season, despite a lackluster stock market, bonuses are forecast to be strong for a third consecutive year.


Paychecks for fixed-income traders, those who trade debt - like bonds, credit derivatives and mortgage-backed securities - are expected to be flat to 5 percent higher. Still, coming on top of their already large levels of compensation, such bonuses will leave those traders high on the Street's pecking order.

The big winners could be traders involved in commodities and energy, in particular, proprietary traders who deal in those two high-octane growth areas. They could receive pay increases of 40 percent to 50 percent, with some walking away with $15 million to $20 million each, according to one investment banking executive who is prohibited by his firm from commenting on compensation issues.

Oh c'mon, we're all winners in this deal aren't we? I mean, these investment bankers will use these huge windfalls in order to ... trickle down... their incomes into... art, and jet rentals and stuff. Yeah. Let's not ignore the obvious: these bankers are parasites of the first order, cash-bloaded ticks hungry for the next, bigger blood feast. And those of us who've been seeing our paychecks and lifestyles shrinking can basically thanks these parasites for doing whatever is they do to suck us dry.

Get angry: this is not the way an economy is supposed to work.


At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, that link to the article about the postage stamps (from your blog) is broken.

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marxist drivel.

If you want people to be successful, why are you so angry when they are?


At 7:07 PM, Blogger Mark D. said...

Censored, I really do think people should be rewarded for the good they've contributed to society and the economy. Seriously I do.

However, if you can provide a rational explanation of how these investment bankers have contributed to the world, and why their compensation is so bizarrely huge, you will have my gratitude. And (if you don't mind me lapsing into socialist mode), my guess is that almost all of these investment bankers came from relatively privileged backgrounds. I haven't heard many tales of poor ghetto kids working and scrabbling and learning so that they might one day become an investment banker.

Parasites, all of 'em.

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Sanford Weill was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He married his wife Joan shortly after graduating from Cornell University in 1955. Weill had joined Air Force ROTC while in college and planned to be a pilot, but cutbacks in defense spending canceled his military career, and he went to work as a $35 a week runner for the New York stockbrokers Bear Stearns"

Now, I'll grant you Cornell grad != ghetto kid, but if you think rich kids get 6 figure jobs because of who Daddy is, and don't earn what they get, you're delusional.

The guys who get paid millions bring in 10's or 100's of millions, and they also provide the example for those with potential to work hard.

And I've said it before, I'm busting my ass everyday so that my kids can get every chance to get ahead. I plan on sending them to good schools and helping them meet the people who can help their careers. They may not have to work as hard as I did, and I hope not, but don't make the mistake of thinking that the work isn't getting done.

There's no royalty here. Well, this guy is a Knight, but seems to have done alot to earn it. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/ORGANIZATION/EXTOFFICEPRESIDENT/EXTPASTPRESIDENTS/PRESIDENTEXTERNAL/0,,contentMDK:20112786~menuPK:1190243~pagePK:139877~piPK:199692~theSitePK:227585,00.html



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