
Give Alito the 3rd Degree

More will be revealed about Alito. From what I read of his 300 or so opinions, I agree with some, violently disagree with others. At least he is a judge. Above all, I want a microscopic examination of his record, his intent, his philosophy. While I reserve judgement and am marginally open to the possiblity that Alito could serve, nothing should be spared in the process of examination. The fillibuster should be on a hair trigger. Fortunately, Bush's wallet is empty of political capital and Specter realizes he doesn't have to be pushed around:

Specter Bucks White House on Alito


At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alito will be confirmed, barring any background malfeasence. Not because he is conservative. It will be hard for the likes of Ted Kennedy to slam Alito effectively when he voted TWICE to send him to the federal bench along with all the other senetors.

Of course blowhard teddy and his buddie Durbin will huff and puff and look like a ignorant fools anyways, which will be rather fun to watch.

Bush is not the one in free fall it is the democrats they have no power and are getting spanked daily. Grandstanding as they did they other day shutting down the senate only fools the democratic base it does not move thier side forward with the rest of the country. When the Phase II report comes out and for the FOURTH time shows that the WMD problem was intelligence not the way Bush used it they will continue to ignore it and grand stand some more to NO effect, LOSERS.


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope they fillibuster.

Every time the Dem's make obstruction the focas of their political action, the GOP makes further gains.

It would be hard for them to be much more marginal than they are now, but at least numerically there is still a downside for them.


At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also given the congress vacation and the two upcoming holidays there was little chance that the vote was going to happen until january anyway. Of course the article you link too fails to get a response from the White house, when another news agancy did they where fine with the janurary time frame.


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

that's a lot of hot air from you guys, apparently unaware of the long list of missteps and betrayals ailing this sickened, weakened administration. good thing the American people aren't downwind from your hot air -- check any polls lately?

you guys really should get out of the house more.

At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Polls are interesting, you should check ballots though.


At 10:40 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

wow.. you really are living in the past!
yes, our country froze in time last november.
nothing has happened since.
nothing has changed.
everything's just fine.

*shakes head*

At 10:54 PM, Blogger max practical said...

Please lets ask the Judge if he would agree that if it came down to changing the rules of the Senate regarding filibusters would he first ask that his nomination be withdrawn? And anonymous should agree that the supreme court is different than other appointments and both parties have used the filibuster for decades to protect against truly distastful choices..

At 11:08 PM, Blogger max practical said...

Anonymous Dave would not be so arrogant if the Senate would agree to SECRET BALLOT for all Senators. Cmon I dare ya....

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, While it is against the rules of this site and to some degree a personal rule to not personally attack others and to remain respectfull I am going to suspend those rules. You are a complete idiot and fail civics 101, back to school for you.

We live in a open society where we elect representatives to vote as we would like them to and to hold them accountable for those votes. Why would any thinking individual, which you are clearly not, like secret ballots. Laws and policy could then be passed that the electorate does not like, meanwhile those who oppose the legislation could not properly hold those same elected representatives accountable. Sounds like you are in favor of a goverment that does not do as the citizens desire but instead does as it wishes with no checks or balance. Clearly if you where a thinking person an unaccountable goverment would soon begin to fail all segments of the society and in short order fail. It this what you are advocating?

And since the Senate is in clear Republican control and many members of the opposition understand that the President has the obligation to appoint judges at all levels as he see fits the Senate then checks them out to ensure they are not complete failures and gives thier consent. Until recent history there was an gentlemans agreement about all this an justices where routinely confirmed by a unanimous vote despite thier differing legal and constitutional philosophy (See Ginsberg and Scalia). Alito will check out fine as an intelligent and sound legal mind if not even a little geeky, he will easily pass.


My apologies to the rest of you but idiots like Max get under my skin.


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