In memoriam
Eric Carlson (1894-1932)
William Hushka (1895-1932)
5/30/20055/27/2005Roadmap rebirth
I thought Bush did ok at this press conference: "You know, maybe somebody will run on a war platform, you know, 'Vote for me, I promise violence,' " Mr. Bush said. "I don't think they're going to get elected, because I think Palestinian moms want their children to grow up in peace. Didn't anybody tell him? He ran on a war platform. He promised violence. And he won. 5/26/2005aint no religion like old tymey religion
A big fat, whoa: An Indianapolis father is appealing a Marion County judge's unusual order that prohibits him and his ex-wife from exposing their child to "non-mainstream religious beliefs and rituals. 5/25/2005Scott McClellan and the case of the phantom scapegoat
I have a fantastic idea. It just came to me. Why don't we all hold our breath while we wait for the administration and the right wing cheering squad to apologize to Newsweek: 5/24/2005A Good Compromise?
It's said that a good compromise leaves both sides upset. I haven't been following the nuclear option showdown closely enough to comment in detail about the filibuster compromise, but that's certainly the case here. 5/20/2005Wild schemes
Nobody likes high gas prices. But people seem to put an inordinate amount of emphasis on one segment of the cost of gasoline. Staring into the headlights part II
Poll follies: 5/18/2005Bush unites left and right: They agree we're going brokeGeorge Bush has at last succeeded in uniting somebody. He's united the conservative Heritage Foundation and the Brookings Institution. Both agree that the financial course Bush has charted for the country will lead to the collapse of our economy unless we implement large tax increases or cut spending by around 60%. Welcome to the Bush legacy. With startling unanimity, they agreed that without some combination of big tax increases and major cuts in Medicare, Social Security and most other spending, the country will fall victim to the huge debt and soaring interest rates that collapsed Argentina's economy and caused riots in its streets a few years ago.
Newsweek was right, but deserves it's lumps
Re. the Newsweek retraction: Spin, spin, spinny, spin spin. Air Force General Richard Myers told reporters at the Pentagon May 12 that he has been told that the Jalalabad, Afghanistan, rioting was related more to the ongoing political reconciliation process in Afghanistan than anything else. - When I read the initial story I thought, well, that's old news. It is old news. It's beyond old news. Read the Nation's Newsweek was right. These kinds of abuses are institutional. Does it really surprise anyone that, Newsweek or no Newsweek, some of our troops might have desecrated a Quoran? Why does it surprise anyone that released prisoners would feed this into the general population in their home countries? Normy runs out of gas, while the Bushies stare into the headlightsBritish legislator George Galloway ran Norm Coleman around in circles Thursday. Gallowway spared no one, especially are very own Normy, who could only muster a squirmy smile in the face of such a barrage. At least someone put the lie to Coleman's stupid posturing. Coleman obviously picked on the wrong guy to shore up his transparent attempt to advance his career by pounding the UN-is-a-bogeyman drum. A Galloway sampling: "I met Saddam Hussein exactly the same number of times as Donald Rumsfeld met him," Mr Galloway went on. "The difference is that Donald Rumsfeld met him to sell him guns, and to give him maps the better to target those guns. Now, I know that standards have slipped over the last few years in Washington, but for a lawyer, you're remarkably cavalier with any idea of justice. "I gave my heart and soul to stop you committing the disaster that you did commit in invading Iraq. Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong. Of course Powerline immediately started to whine about the treatement Norm Coleman recieved on Hardball. Oh, did little Normy have a hard time on a TV show? Well maybe it's because he's wrong. You'd think those guys, and in fact every American would be jumping up and down over the revelations that the United States, and specifically cronies of the Bush administration, helped line Saddam's pockets in numbers that frankly dwarf the the oil for food "scandal." In fact, the Senate report found that US oil purchases accounted for 52% of the kickbacks paid to the regime in return for sales of cheap oil - more than the rest of the world put together. If true, this makes Watergate kind of look like a cub scout meeting. Why again did we invade Iraq? Why did citizens of this country sacrifice soldiers? Why did tens of thousands of Iraqi's have to die? I am further from understanding this now than I have ever been. None of this should be surprising. We would not find ourselves so divided, or at war in Iraq, or considering privatizing social security, or listening to US legislators threaten judges, or listening to dominionists spout visions of God-inspired government without a fantastic degree of hubris. Hubris in the seat of power always results in corruption and scandal. It isn't coming anymore, it's here. That's not a good thing. It's the course Bush set for us. 5/17/2005America's dirty secret revealed
Class. 5/15/2005Wait a minute, this isn't where I wanted to go...
Back when Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin claimed that "his God was Bigger than the Muslim God, it was possible to think that he was an aberration. There was still plenty of Christian Warriors constructing a gigantic dome of invincibility over our troops, worshipers of doomsday, but I felt they were still very much on the fringe. I felt there was no way Congress could collectively lose its senses to the degree that it would seek to replace the US government's source of power - we the people - with an undefined, euphemistic deity - God. In the worshipful words of the Conservative Caucus, this historic legislation will “RESTORE OUR CONSTITUTION!”, mainly by barring ANY federal court or judge from ever again reviewing “any matter to the extent that relief is sought against an entity of Federal, State, or local government, or against an officer or agent of Federal, State, or local government (whether or not acting in official or personal capacity), concerning that entity’s, officer’s, or agent’s acknowledgment of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government.” Really? Constitution Restoration Act? Restore it from what to what? I had no idea the constitution was broken and needed restoring. Even in the face of such imbeciles as General Boykin, I believed that common sense would prevail. For the most part, American Government has been about the business of governing - providing service and protection for the people. That service and protection were provided from a slightly more liberal or slightly more conservative perspective, to be sure, but provided without particular attention to the religious beliefs of its citizens. Now, common sense is not prevailing. History is not prevailing. What is prevailing is the incessant energy and money of the Corporate Christian Right. The Constitution Restoration Act? Democrats will hoot and holler. Some pandering idiots will even vote for it. In the end it will pass. I do not have a solution. I believe things will get much worse before common people get sick of evangelical Republicans, their corporate christian financiers and the fantastically short-sighted laws they are passing. Once the United States is fully transformed into a belligerent society of people who do not believe in science, though they cannot refute it, who literally believe the world is ending through a series of events they are in the process of creating, who oversee the conversion of all public shcools to religious schools, who marginalize gay people and all religions not their own, after we have completely lost our industrial edge and ability to compete in the sciences. Maybe then we will wake up. Or maybe not. I no longer have much faith in the outrage of common people. I know I will get criticized by our right wing readers for saying this. I know they will say it's just more liberal sky-is-falling claptrap. I am going to say it anyway. At the rate things are going I believe I can write America's epitah: 5/12/2005The stupidity of the few
Balance when it comes to taxes is an interesting concept. I like low taxes. Who doesn't? But I also enjoy great parks, pot-hole free roads, top-notch public schools, strong police forces, public transportation, museums and all the things that make a civilized society civil. I don't particularly care to see lots of homeless people wandering around an otherwise great city, or sleeping on my doorstep. I don't think it's all that humane to just round them up and stuff our jails full of them, either. When I grow old, I think it is very helpful indeed that a safety net exists for me and others that will keep me out of the poorhouse - even though I may not need it. Now it is true that I believe this country is following a dangerous trend when it permits too great a degree of centralization of governmental functions. I oppose this--in some instances the fight is a rather desperate one. But to attain any success it is quite clear that the Federal government cannot avoid or escape responsibilities which the mass of the people firmly believe should be undertaken by it. The political processes of our country are such that if a rule of reason is not applied in this effort, we will lose everything--even to a possible and drastic change in the Constitution. This is what I mean by my constant insistence upon "moderation" in government. Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid. Consider, please, the stupidity of the negligible few in the coming weeks as they seek to sell you their agenda. Apply appropriate pressure as needed. 5/11/2005More profits for them, less pay for usBalance of power shifts to the employers: "It has been harder and harder to get pay rises out of the company even though profits are good," he complains. Over the past year the problem of stagnant wages has not been confined solely to those working for companies that are heavily exposed to foreign competition. With wages across the nation failing to keep pace with inflation, an increasing number of workers are justified in feeling that they have been treading water, or worse.
Stingy pay rises mean many Americans will have to work longer hours to keep up with the cost of living, and they could ultimately undermine consumer spending and economic growth. In his second inaugural address, President Bush told us that "In America's ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence." Wrong. In America's new ideal of freedom, citizens find the indignity and precariousness of living among wealthy management fatcats and CEO's who tell us "I got mine: screw you." In fact, "I-got-mine-screw-you" seems to be the central philosophy of the ownership society. I can't wait. 5/10/2005Which side are you on?
United Air Wins Right to Default on Its Employee Pension Plans. OK now I get it, declaring bankruptcy is still OK so long as you can screw thousands of workers who have sweated out their lifeblood for your benefit. Ah yes, I remember the good old days of the social contract, when rights came with responsibilities and vice versa. Now, we're gradually decending to subzero: no responsibilities, therefore no rights. Thanks for your time. Fend for yourself. 5/09/2005Yes, yes, Bush lied...But will the Run Away Bride still tie the knot?
It should not surprise anyone that some new/old dirt emerged in Britain's election. Confirmation seeped out. Bush made up his mind to invade Iraq before he had a reason to invade, then manipulated intelligence to fit his decision. Yawn. WASHINGTON - A highly classified British memo, leaked in the midst of Britain's just-concluded election campaign, indicates that President George W. Bush decided to overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein by summer 2002 and was determined to ensure that U.S. intelligence data supported his policy. Don't the Brits get it? We in the US don't care if our leaders lie to us. We think their outrage is cute. When are those backwards islanders going to get it? Schiavo. The Runaway Bride. Michael Jackson. An out of control judiciary. Dammit, that's news. We wanna see more preachers on the news debating whether or not intelligent design belongs in a science class. We want to see more preachers on tv arguing about the secular assault on America. We want more tension and more shouting. Oh, and more flash. We want our celebrity pet bits introduced with as much drama as possible. The President figuring out how best to lie to the nation? 5/07/2005From the department of unclear on the concept...
Minister ex-communicates members for not backing Bush 5/05/2005Progressive tax moves forward
State's wealthiest are target of new tax plan. Although Republicans seem to think that taxing the rich will hurt job creation, look at what "jobs" they're thinking about: "Tom Hesse, of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, said the additional tax rate would hurt recruitment of top executives." Yeah, just what this economy needs, more "top executives." I think Sen. Larry Pogemiller puts it best: "This is a fair-share plan; these same people were the beneficiaries of significant federal and state tax reductions. Now we're asking them to help us over a rough spot." Even better, the DFL members in committee hastily voted down a statewide sales tax increase from 6.5 to 7.5 percent, which is in effect a tax on the poor. Those Republican governors who raised taxes or tried to raise them will never move up in national office. Mitch Daniels will never be vice president, not now. [Alabama Gov. Bob] Riley will never be vice president, not now. [Colorado Gov. Bill] Owens - who was a presidential contender - will never be a candidate. Well hell, I'm all for kicking the man upstairs, so I can have a fiscally solvent state again. Progressive taxation is the fairest way to raise revenue, retain quality state services, and keep the state in the black. 5/03/2005$6.15
Not as much as we needed, but better than nothing. Props to Rep. Tom Rukavina for keeping the idea alive in spite of all the dumb-ass time-wastin' going down in the House. Mitch hawks Iraqi dinar scam
Intelligent Design Proponents Lack Faith
Could one reason the US lags behind the world in the sciences be that we don't believe in science? 5/02/2005The assault on birth control hits Minnesota
At least two women in Minnesota have been turned down by pharmacists opposed to birth control. New Minnesota blogA hearty welcome to North Star Politics, and not just because he links to us. His post on Pat Robertson's foot-in-mouth disease is worth a read. 5/01/2005Happy May Day
Every May for the last 20 years, an amazing event takes place in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood. In the Heart of the Beast's May Day parade is a celebration of the return of Spring... |