
Intelligent Design Proponents Lack Faith

Could one reason the US lags behind the world in the sciences be that we don't believe in science?

The idea of a school board evaluating the theory of evolution would be really funny, if it weren't so tragic. One wonders how often the proponents of intelligent design enter their car and pray for it to start? Do they fill up the tank with fossil fuels? One wonders why preachers don't use the Bible to design rocket ships. What can they possibly think about when they walk through a hall of Dinosaur bones?

What an appalling lack of faith it is to narrow the field of human invention and ideas to the degree that it becomes an apostasy to learn about the world in detail. If God is God, which I am pretty sure God is, then God is big enough to create evolution. Surely human attempts to describe the world using the gift of logic can only strengthen faith? Where is it written that we must disbelieve our lying eyes?


At 3:12 PM, Blogger Robin said...

Is it really a debate when only one side is playing? I mean, I can keep sending President Bush letters explaining how I would be better an running the country, but it doesn't mean I'm debating Bush over his plan to tranfer power to me.

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to blame unions for the failure of education system.

What we need is competition and rather than "leaving no child behind" as the only agenda, we need to see "how far they can go" with our best.


At 4:35 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

Ah yes, it is definately teachers unions that are the ones behind not teaching science in school.

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Where is it written that we must disbelieve our lying eyes?"

You show me a definitive link between apes and man, physical proof, and you've got yerself an argument.

Australopithecus is a dead end.

Homo Habilis pops up, seemingly out of thin air sporting a brain about 1/4 larger than Australopithecus.

Right now all you got is pitting faith in scientific theory over religious faith.

And frankly, with all of the bashing that goes on in this loony bin regarding people of faith, your slip is showing.

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Homo Habilis? You're talking about the H. Habilis that there's still some debate whether the skeletons found are all of the same species, or of a bunch of closely related species, and where the brain size varies from ~ the size of A. Robustus up to ~ the size of H. Erectus?

Or are you talking about a different H. Habilis that only exists in the Big Creationist Debate Book? Well, shoot, there's no argument over that one; If you can't program your VCR, writing a thousand books that say that it's impossible to program a VCR won't stop G-d from programming his VCR.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Jeff Fecke said...

If God is God, which I am pretty sure God is, then God is big enough to create evolution.

This might be the best summation on my views that I've seen. Thanks.

As for me, evolution's always been a point in God's favor. The subtlety of that creation would truly be awe-inspiring.

Or maybe he just zapped us into being. But how dull would that be? A God who can create through a billion years of trial and error is far more interesting to me.

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose that it hadn't occurred to david that he'd just made my point for me.

But thanks anyway.

At 12:44 PM, Blogger ryan said...

Psst. Read the right column. Last chance... if you don't sign your posts with something, they will be deleted. Got it? Good.


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