
No end to Bush Power Grab

The president has a plan. Oh yes he does. He won't tell me about it - or you. But it's there, buried in a 2,000 page federal budget.

He wants to hand pick a group of lobbyists and give them the power to terminate any federal agency he dislikes. Department of Education? Poof! Are the worrywarts at the EPA pestering businesses with environmental nonsense? Not to worry. Bush will just cancel the agency. Food and Drug Administration? The SEC - Who needs those guys?

Are you ready to put this much power in the hands of a team of six lobbyists led by one man? We still live in country in which it is possible to look up the federal budget online. With this one provision, Bush could end that access. The Freedom of Information Act won't mean anything if there isn't any information to free. Fight this with everything you can.


At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what we like to call a mischaracterization. It can't end any program at will.

What it can do is every ten years examine existing programs and if they are providing no benefit to public AND IN THE ABSENSE OF CONGRESSIONAL ACTION discontinue them.

Say good by to the rural electrification project, the Helium reserves, all that stuff that you and I pay for because no one wants to cut.

Its an awesome idea. ]


At 12:39 PM, Blogger MNObserver said...

What's the difference between "end" and "discontinue," anonymous?

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MNObserver - what's your point?

Feel free to substitute the word end for discontinue. The point is exactly the same.


At 11:33 AM, Blogger pasquino said...

two things surprise me about the bush power grab.

1) why are people comfortable giving such sweeping new powers to this incompetent?

2) why aren't we hearing the word fuhrerprincip to describe these new powers? unitary executive sounds so bland and inoffensive, which is what they want it to sound like.



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