I (heart) my LJ
One of the girls at the center of the Winona vagina controversy has a Live Journal. In her LJ, Carrie Rethlefsen describes how she got in trouble for wearing the "I (heart) my vagina" pin and her ongoing protest against the school.
This is turning into a pretty big story. It's now shown up on Fark, BoingBoing, and Metafilter. You can follow the desemination of the story with this Technorati search (stolen from Frozen Tundra, but modified to remove porno spam blogs).
As I predicted, some conservatives are not happy. With titles like The ACLU...It Never Ceases to Amaze Me What They WILL Support, Compared to What They WON'T Support, Crossing The Decency Line, and Well I love it too babe, Let me give it a kiss you can practically hear the sound of uncomfortably tight pants being shifted.
UPDATE: I think we'd be remiss without linking to Mitch's The Narcissism Monologues. [CO]
Give me a break, I went out to her journal. They are posting the principals address and shit now.I have a idea Luke, Why don't you post your home address on this site. That way when you talk stupid shit that i don't like, i can come and see you? These are a couple punk ass teenagers that are loving the attention and you dumb assholes are feeding right into it. Get a real life!!!!
You wonder why kids today have no respect for anybody or anything. Then you come out to this site and read some of the most disrespectfull attacks on people. But don't say anything bad about your members because you will get your post deleted and banned. Hypocrits!!!!
They posted the principles WORK address. At the school.
Not the same as a home address.
My home address IS posted on my website.
Anonymous- sign your posts with something or they will be deleted. Please read the rules of engagement at right.
I find it funny that you talk about how you visit this site and find "some of the most disrespectfull (sic) attacks on people" and yet only a few lines back you're calling the young women "punk ass teenagers" and us "dumb assholes." Somebody may need to get a real life, but it isn't us, pal.
I also find it funny that these two young women are coming off as much more mature than some of the folks who seem to be so worked up about the ordeal.
I do love how the wingnuts are getting so worked up over this. And ironically, getting worked over the attention but then feeding into it with their own feeding frenzy.
I can understand hating feminism, but why hate free speech?
I don't see why you're excited that wingnuts are getting riled up over this. It's not really a winning issue. In fact it's a total non-issue, that only deflects from important education problems. We can probably expect to see it in a future 527 group campaign ad:
"Liberal, activist judges are forcing your daughters to wear vagina buttons in public schools. These same liberals won't even allow Christmas decorations in classrooms. Mark Kennedy thinks schools are for learning and Christmas, not vagina buttons."
True... I just get excited easily. Very, very easily.
Oh dear... now she's been asked to go on the O'Reilly factor.
No no no! Stay away!
The worst part of all this is that this child is being deluded into thinking she's doing something (let alone the idea of doing something important) all because she is dumb/gullible/naive enough to promote an entertainment product as meaningful.
Saying dirty words in school doesn't make you a hero. It makes you south park-esq.
Its truly pathetic.
Censored, eighteen may indeed be young, but it's a stretch to call her a "child" or try to invalidate what she has to say because of her age. Women of all ages have gotten more out of The Vagina Monologues than just entertainment... go read their reviews at Amazon.com.
What's dirty about the word "vagina"?
So I read her LJ. She sounds kinda dim, extremely impressionable, and very much like everything is all about her.
Really unimpressive.
Isn't a journal supposed to be all about the author? :)
I do believe jackeaux justg described every LJ... (did i just say that?)
really, don't go to a teen LJ expecting to be impressed.
Censored, you may be right about the South Park comparison. If you've watched lately, it's some of the most incisive social commentary out there.
No Chuck.
South Park is a cartoon. That's pretty sad if that's where you are taking your inspiration.
Dear Censored
Would you prefer the buttons have read I heart my Cooter or I heart my hoo-hoo? Let me know which ones you like and I'll get a batch for you.
(And OT - anyone grab my buttons from Drinking Liberally 2 weeks ago? Rumor had it a Patriot has them)
A cartoon? Really? Huh.
Have you watched it? You're the one that made the comparison, and I'm telling you it was a good one.
I never said I take my inspiration from South Park, but if you'd seen the episode dealing with Terry Schiavo, it was fucking brilliant. Social commentary can come in many forms. Cartoons... buttons... blogs...
I grabbed em. I was going to email you about them but I was kinda drunk and I forgot. I'm planning on coming to Drinking Liberally on Wednesday. I can bring them with.
And that really gets to the core of it. Cartoons, plays, buttons, at the end of the day they are all just art. Art can be clever, it can interesting, it can be entertaining. But that's all.
Science can be brilliant (real science, not your make believe sciences like sociology and that sort of nonsense.) Business can be brilliant. Building things can be tremendous. Achievement is what matters.
But not art.
I'll cut to the chase. If you look at a cartoon and think, "Brilliant!" you are simply not worth the time to argue with.
Likewise, if you look at sociology as make believe and refuse to recognize the long history of art as social commentary, then you're probably not worth arguing with, either. I smell a troll.
BTW, sign your posts or they may be deleted. See the rules at right.
Why don't you all take some time away from whatever you do that is actually productive (I'm pretty sure that except for Dykstra who outsources jobs overseas, it won't be missed.)
Seriously, do a little interpretive dance about your feelings, maybe arrange for a poetry reading of communist inspired, angst ridden, anti-capitalist rants. Watch a Mikey Moore film festival.
I'm sure it would make a huge difference in the world.
Then you can all go for a $3 non-dairy soy free-trade latte and whine about how oppressed you are.
The only whining I read here is yours Swiftee... er, I mean "Censored". You're just another typical right wing victim.
Wow, now we're arguing about what is allowed to be called "Brilliant." Well, I'm not but the troll is.
I'd be happy to perform an interpretive Commie dance, and pee soy milk on the flag, if only to make the trolls cry.
Funny how the trolls try to belittle art, and yet they're the ones most upset by it.
Spreading human shit on a canvas, or putting a picture of our american president with a pistol pointed at his temple. Thats art? I guess i'm not a artsy kind a guy because i just don't get it. I don't begrudge those who do, I just don't get it.
Scott K
The great thing about the First Amendment is that you don't have to "get it".
Artists have the right to make art. You have the right to buy it or ignore it as you see fit.
So where in the first amendment luke, does it state that our tax dollars need to be used to finance the arts. If enough people were willing to pay to go see human shit on canvas then I wouldn't need to watch our tax dollars pay for these extravagant buildings. So i guess your typical first amendment rights argument isn't is clear cut as it seems.
Scott K
The government pays for a lot of things I don't like, either. But I have to pay my taxes just like you and everyone else (except big corporations, apparently).
But I have the right to try to change the government's spending priorities, and so do you. That's what democracy is all about, now isn't it?
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