Stick a fork in Bolton, please
So now colin Powell is quietly nixing Bush's spit-in-the-eye-of-the-UN nominee John Bolton.
Bush, via company drone Scott Mclellan, is supporting his man. He would have us believe resistance is futile. Bush says Democrats are just making stuff up. Mclellan says negative characterizations of Bolton are unsubstantiated. After a slew of republicans that rose to oppose bolton, one wonders what he would consider substantiation? Video? And Cheney called for some kind of weird solidarity with Bolton. Solidarity with what? The ability to hold allies in contempt and treat those that disagree with Bolton like untrainable dogs?
I have to believe that the average moderate American doesn't really want a fire breather in the UN. Although radio shouters and talking heads wouldn't have you believe it, believing the UN should be abolished is a radical position. It's just plain common sense to belive that we will get further in the world with the help and friendship of our allies. Why have a guy representing the country that has spent his career pissing off allies?
And of course moderate Republicans are reconsidering supporting Bolton. That's really telling in an age when one would no more expect to find a republican out of lockstep with his party than you would a talking fish.
Enough already. Stick a fork in Bolton. Please.
You are unreal. You are flat out making up DFL fantasies here.
"Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska, told CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer" that he will support Bolton"
"will support" is not "reconsidering support."
Oh, I see. Perhaps "reconsidering" was too strong. How about "Troubled":
"I have been troubled with more and more allegations, revelations, coming about his style, his method of operation," said Hagel, the committee's second-ranking Republican.
"We need a uniter. We need a builder. We need someone who will reach out to our friends and our allies at the United Nations," Hagel said. "No question the United Nations needs reform. It badly needs reform. But we need someone who will go up there and develop confidence with the other ambassadors."
In other words,
Blah, blah, blah
Wishful thinking, meet behavior...
So let me get this straight, His biggest problem is he is to honest and straight forward with his coworkers. if your a dumbshit, he calls you a dumbshit. Hmm, sounds like we could use more of him in Washington. Even his detractors, after pointing out his faults follow that up with " This guy is a get shit done kinda a guy, give him a project or mandate and he will get it done. Sounds like the kinda guy I want working with our tax dollars.
Scott K.
Actually, Scott K, I think Bolton's biggest problems are that he retaliated against an underling when their intelligence research didn't fit his preconceived notions and that he is horrible diplomat.
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