
Scott McClellan and the case of the phantom scapegoat

I have a fantastic idea. It just came to me. Why don't we all hold our breath while we wait for the administration and the right wing cheering squad to apologize to Newsweek:

Gitmo Guards Accused of Mistreating Koran

And while we are at it, do you think we will get rich betting that the mainstream media will cover the fact that Newsweek's story has now been confirmed by several independent sources, and McClellan is backing away from his claims that the story cost
Afghan lives?


At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should read more than the headline to the article. The best "evidence" is a man who claimed the desecration, yet no longer recalls the "incident".

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read both articles also, and I have to say Chris, You do make it easy to discredited whatever you say, because you are so damn biased. Clear your mind and read the articles again.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

I admit it, I am biased towards the truth. When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says Newsweek wasn't the cause of the riots, and the President of the country says it wasn't the cause of the riots, then I guess I err on the side of those guys.

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or you could take the word of Brigadier General Hood:

"We did identify 13 incidents of alleged mishandling of the Koran by Joint Task Force personnel.

Ten of those were by a guard and three by interrogators.

We found that in only five of those 13 incidents, four by guards and one by an interrogator, there was what could be broadly defined as mishandling of a Koran."

Of course, Hood thinks "only" five cases of Koran abuse isn't such a big deal. I have a somewhat different perspective. He goes on to list dozens of other incidents in which the Koran was used during interrogations, but not intentionally "mishandled" - including someone putting two copies on top of a TV. Hood, however, doesn't answer the most obvious question: what the hell were copies of the Koran doing lying around during interrogations? It's only going to come back and bite you in the ass.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all the free speech advocates?

If they can burn an American flag, certainly I can wipe my ass with a koran.


At 11:40 AM, Blogger ryan said...

You certainly are free to do so, however when you're working as a representative of the US government, you check your right to do and say whatever the hell you want. Quite frankly, this isn't a free speech issue, and you know it.


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