Staring into the headlights part II
Poll follies:
- Only 33 percent approve of the Republican led congress.
- Bush approval rating hits lowest point
- Maybe that's why Fox News in Ratings Free Fall
5/20/2005Staring into the headlights part II
Poll follies: |
Proving once again that Chris sees what he wants to see,
-Only 33 approve of Congress, not GOP or DEM, the whole deal. There are plenty of folks who are cheesed at the continued obstruction of the Dems, to characterize it otherwise is simply wishful thinking.
-Bush's ratings, consider the source, Pew had Kerry up 47% to 46% for Bush among reg. voters in its final pre-election poll. I'd suggest they have a history of significantly underestimating Bush's support. Not that it really matters, Bush being in his second term.
-Fox in freefall?
How about CBS? CBS Evening News had the worst week ever in April since Variety started keeping track in 1987. 60 min II cancelled.
The CNN article cited only identifes one demographic in one timeframe in which FOXNews is slowing. It also identifies that CNN has been hemoraging viewers as well.
Let me think, no election, no war news, winter is ending... obviously this means that balanced news is no longer resonating with America. It couldn't mean News viewers are down.
I will however hand it to you on attitude. You are certainly optimistic.
Why can I just picture you saying "There's a pony in here somewhere!"
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