Dr. Ronald Cranford, Minnesota Hero
Minnesota neurologist Dr. Ronald Cranford of the Hennepin County Medical Center is my hero. He was one of the neurologists who examined Terri Schavio as part of the court proceedings. On Monday's Scarborough Country, he ripped Joe Scarborough and MSNBC daytime anchor Lisa Daniels new ones. Dr. Cranford refused to let the media's predominate "save Terri" spin get him off track. He flat out calls them liars! Bravo.
[LISA] DANIELS: Are you 100 percent correct in your opinion that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state? Do you agree with that?
CRANFORD: I am 105 percent sure she is in a vegetative state. And the autopsy will show severe irreversible brain damage to the higher centers, yes.
DANIELS: Why are you so sure, Doctor?
CRANFORD: Because I examined her. The court-appointed guardian examined her. Four neurologists at the hospital where she was has said she's carried a diagnosis of vegetative state for 12 years. Every neurologist that examined her, except for Dr. [William] Hammesfahr [a neurologist selected by Terri Schiavo's parents], who is a charlatan, has said she is in vegetative state. That's what the court found. Just because you don't like --
DANIELS: Doctor, was a CAT scan -- Doctor, your critics would ask you, was a CAT scan used? Was an MRI taken? Were any of these tests taken?
CRANFORD: You don't know the answer to that? The CAT scan was done in 1996, 2002. We spent a lot of time in court showing the irreversible -- you don't have copies of those CAT scans? How can you say that?
The CAT scans are out there, distributed to other people. You have got to look at the facts. The CAT scan is out there. It shows severe atrophy of the brain. The autopsy is going to show severe atrophy of the brain. And you're asking me if a CAT scan was done? How could you possibly be so stupid?
Media Matters has the transcript and video (Quicktime, Windows Media).
Update: Be sure to check out the Star Tribune's profile of Dr. Cranford in today's paper. The Strib got some reaction from Dr. Cranford on his Scarborough Country appearance: "'I out-Scarboroughed Scarborough. I attacked him before he attacked me,' Cranford said the next morning. 'I don't normally do that. But I was in an attack mode.'"
Update 2: The Star Tribune praises Dr. Cranford in an editorial today.
I think the ass-clown that is saying she's not PVS should have his credentials revoked. There should be standards for being a Dr.
Got some jokes...
(Poor taste warning.)
Q: What's Terry's favorite meal?
A: Tube Steak.
Q: What's Terry's favorite TV show?
A: Survivor
Q: Why'd she miss the last show?
A: The tube got yanked from her room.
The Terry Schiavo case grips the entire nation. The case has caused many people to draw up a living will.
If you are ever incapacitated, it states whether you desire your life and death decisions made for you by the House or Senate.
It's kind of amazing that there doesn't seem to be much disagreement among anybody for a change, republican, democrat, frog, cat whatever, that the fed. gov. should keep its nose out of those decisions.
But so much of what we see on tv is being presented as a large fight.
I accidentally published before I finished...
It's being presented as if those who really want her to live and agree with the action Congress took is a huge majority.
Bigguy says when he grows up he wants to be a doctor, I only hope that if he does, he is like Dr. Cranford. This is an amazing man, who is going to take a lot of flak for telling it the way it is, and not letting some stupid reporters warp the truth.
I don't know about that Chris. My impression is that the Keep Terri Alive contingent is coming off as a semi-wacky group, mostly because the public's view of them is limited to the hallelujah protesters in front of the hospice.
Also in bad taste -- Terri Schiavo's blog.
Dr. Cranford is, indeed, a hero. So many liberals who could have spoken up have cowered in a corner, afraid to -- including many of our politicians. So, it was refreshing when Dr. Cranford broke the silence from the right side of the issue a week ago. Releasing the CT scan was a master stroke. Anyone with good sense looking at Ms. Schiavo's scan knew the bottom line -- the cerebral cortex was history.
Dr. Hammesfahr has been disciplined by the Florida medical association, decaf. And, I think that the lie he circulates about being considered for a Nobel Prize was exposed enough that he will not be able to pull it off anymore.
I've written an entry about what Right to Life maneuvering right up to her death, posted here. My salute to Dr. Cranston is here.
Cranford among other things committed fraud in commerce because he travelled across state lines to commit fraud in court, etc. He is an accomplice in aiding and abetting a murder. I guess this is what you sick fucks look up to as a hero.
Just watched the video. If Cranfreak is so sure of himself, why go on the attack? His behavior is rather high-schoolish for someone who claims to be a reputable physician.
I hope the doctors he called charlatans sue his pants off.
Murder? Fraud? Wishful thinking.
The way I saw it, Cranford was on the defense (he was on Scarborough Report, after all) and did a good job of not taking any shit and being painfully clear about Ms. Shaivo's state. Hammesfahr is a quack in my book. This is the same gentlemen who has made dubious claims that he was a Nobel Prize nominee and has been reprimanded by the Florida Board of Medicine on at least two occasions. In my book, the guy is clearly a quack.
You guys don't know what you're talking about, of course.
If Hammesfahr had his problems, Cranford was nothing but a quack who ALWAYS saw PVS in the cases he was involved in.
You guys simply don't understand he was hired and paid by the Michael Schiavo crew to give the "diagnosis" they wanted.
Cranford's dead now, but his destructive bioethic legacy continues.
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