
Bullet points of the mess redux

Little golden-brown nuggets of doo-doo I am scraping off my shoe:

Bill Fristt speaking about the death of Christopher Reeve in October of 2004:

I find it opportunistic to use the death of someone like Christopher Reeve -- I think it is shameful -- in order to mislead the American people," Frist said. "We should be offering people hope, but neither physicians, scientists, public servants or trial lawyers like John Edwards should be offering hype.

It is cruel to people who have disabilities and chronic diseases, and, on
top of that, it's dishonest. It's giving false hope to people, and I can
tell you as a physician who's treated scores of thousands of patients that
you don't give them false hope.

Inevitably the case of Terry Schiavo will be compared to the cases of other brain dead people, which will cause one to wonder why congress isn't taking up each case individually, which will invite one to speculate that irony has died on our watch. For example: Right to Life, Unless You're Poor and Black

This week, as Americans followed the legal battle over Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, a 6-month-old baby was "murdered" by Texas Children's Hospital officials, according to Arizona Republic columnist Mike Newcomb. Against the wishes of Wanda Hudson, the boy's mother, hospital officials took Sun Hudson off a ventilator that was helping him breathe. The mother, a 33-year-old poor black woman with no prenatal care, begged the hospital
to keep her child alive.

[Note: The action was taken as a direct result of legislation Bush signed into law during his term as governor]

Whether it's directly attributable to the Schiavo Fiasco or not, Bush's approval ratings have plummeted.

In other news about the wonderful, positive impact of the social agenda the GOP is in the process of cramming down the throat of the country, it is now impossible to file domestic violence charges against unmarried people because of Ohio's new constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

The hysterical Peggy Noonan utterly misses the point about Terry Schiavo. She calls those 87% of the general public who think the government and its posturing politicians should remove their noses from up our arses the "pull-the-tube-people." Ms. "Chicken Little" Noonan sees us wandering down the road to Aushwitz if we let Terry die. Odd she didn't have the same feeling over something a little more germane, say, Abu Ghraib. Oy.

For a real good time, attend the Traditional Values Cooalition's Confronting The Judicial War On Faith, featuring Tom "The Hammer" Delay, talkin 'bout them activist judges an' how they is bringin' us all into damnation by forcin the Homo-Sexoooal agenda upon us (ceptin' in the case of where they help us in winnin' 'lections, gerry-manderin an savin' the persistently vegatative, wink, wink).

Where are we going? America By the numbers. We're Number One! We're number One!


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

Peggy Noonan's brain-scrambling screed is unbelievably infuriating.


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