An infected boil on the face of decency
Every now and then I read a headline that chills me to the bone. Here is one:
Michigan Preparing To Let Doctors Refuse To Treat Gays
The bill allows health care workers to refuse service to anyone on moral, ethical or religious grounds.
The Republican dominated House passed the measure as dozens of Catholics looked on from the gallery. The Michigan Catholic Conference, which pushed for the bills, hosted a legislative day for Catholics on Wednesday at the state Capitol.
The bills now go the Senate, which also is controlled by Republicans.
The Conscientious Objector Policy Act would allow health care providers to assert their objection within 24 hours of when they receive notice of a patient or procedure with which they don't agree. However, it would prohibit emergency treatment to be refused.
The key bit of the bill is as follows:
Sec. 5. (1) A health care provider may assert as a matter of conscience an objection to providing or participating in a health care service that conflicts with his or her sincerely held religious or moral beliefs.
There are other bills that would exempt health insurers or health facilities from providing or covering a health-care procedure that violated ethical, moral or religious principles reflected in their bylaws or mission statement.
The level of denial, hypocrisy, blasphemy, groupthink, it takes to create and pass such abhorrent legislation is a mystery of evil. What is the appeal here for people of good faith and mercy? Did they direct their donations to tsunami aid towards only those of the appropriate sexual orientation? This is profoundly corrupt.
It says you can refuse any procedure you don't believe in. Not that you can refuse people if you don't agree with them.
Rather than anti-gay, this strikes me as anti-choice. The obvious medical procedure that can now be refused being abortion.
I may just be naive, but I'm not aware of any "Gay" procedures. (And I'm aware of, and discounting HIV/AIDS - which can, and all too often does, affect anyone.)
Intersting issue, at its core is a question of "should people be required to offer a service they don't want to."
Well, liquor is legally available, but I'm not required to run a bar or a liquor store. Regardless of the question of my having a moral objection to drinking (which I don't - its an example ":-)" .) I can even run a martini bar and not serve beer. (Selecting what goods/services to offer.)
Abortion is legal, but I shouldn't be required to run an abortion clinic either.
Is there an anti-gay bias to this? What am I missing?
The bill allows health care workers to refuse service to anyone on moral, ethical or religious grounds. Refuse service to anyone, not just refuse to perfom a service. There are plenty of doctors that refuse to perform abortions already, and I am fairly certain that any doctor that does perform tham is not acting against their moral/ethical/religeous beliefs. What this would allow is a doctor to say "I don't belive with your choice of lifestyle-I feel having a baby out of wedlock is morraly wrong and directly contradicts my strongly heald belief system, so I refuse you prenatal care." or "I strongly feel that homosexuality is a sin against god, so I am not going to treat your completely unrelated to sexual preference kidney stone, sorry" Yes, the bill prohibits them withholding emetrgency treatment, but what about followup visits, which can be just as important?
Peopel become doctors to help people, nut just the subset of people they happen to agree with.
Decaf - yes, it says you can refuse to provide a service. That's how they skirt the law. It's illegal to specifically target people.
But think about it. Does business owner have to provide a product or service not of their own choosing? If I own a restaurant, there is no law that dictates I must have say, soup, on the menu. With very few exceptions business owners and corporations get to choose they want to do make a buck. So why legislate it?
This bill is specifically about alienating people who fall outside of the very narrow moral spectrum defined by the Christian Nationalist Party (the GOP). It's about making it legal to hang a shingle on your door that says "No Gays, No Foreigners, No whatever..."
Many lives were lost in the fight to ensure that any person, regardless of race, creed, gender, and yes, sexual orientation could walk into that restaurant and eat, or walk into a doctor's office and get treated, or walk or wheel in anywhere and get treated the same as any other human being - with decency and respect.
This Bill should nauseate all Americans. It is completely and utterly corrupt. Every person who voted for it deserves to be stripped of office.
As near as I can tell this bill was introduced in 2003 and passed in the house in April 2004. What ever became of it? Did it become law? Is it still being debated? Why is it suddenly ubiquitous on the web today of all days?
Just curious,
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