Bernard Kerik a known unknown
Bernard Kerik's bald noggin is a fitting ornament for the top cop of Tough Town, USA. He campaigned hard for the President. He toed the party line. He looks the part.
But what does he have to offer? What makes him qualified to run the bureaucratic train wreck of Homeland Security?
It will be interesting to hear his answers to Slate's questions.
Much of what is being written about Kerik from his home state paints him as a supreme opportunist and someone who is not afraid to use his new found influence to make a buck.
It is interesting to contrast the NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's glowing praise of Kerik with the scathing, Kerik nomination is a ticking time bomb, from Newsday, which identifies several scandals Kerik allegedly touched during his term as Police Comissioner of New York City and during his miserable term in Iraq.
Here's hoping he performs with integrity and savvy, more integrity than he displayed after he deserted his illegitimate daughter. Here's hoping he has the guts to resist the lucious barrel of pork he now controls. Here's hoping he puts the saftey of the American people over loyalty to the President and loyalty to the party line.
I am hoping. But I am not holding my breath.
I read somewhere that Kerik was once some sort of security officer for the Saudi royal family too...
Unless public adultery doesn't count on as a scandal anymore, Rudy's got his own mess of problems.
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