The Truth Is Emerging
History books are being written before our very eyes. Eventually, the mounting sum of egregious failures and casualties in Iraq (and the War against Islam) will bite us in the ass – on the scale of 9/11 or bigger, I fear. The red state president will have more blood on his hands than Karl Rove or Scott Mclellan can wash away. How many civilians, doctors, and clerics can we torture and kill before a majority in the Arab world quietly say of Americans, "Kill 'em all"?
New Patriotism means truth-telling, to save our country... and our future.
Pentagon report reveals catalogue of failure
THE Pentagon has admitted that the war on terror and the invasion and occupation of Iraq have increased support for al-Qaeda, made ordinary Muslims hate the US and caused a global backlash against America because of the “self-serving hypocrisy” of George W Bush’s administration over the Middle East.
In Iraq, the US does eliminate those who dare to count the dead
Mr Ambassador, I believe that your government and its Iraqi surrogates are waging two wars in Iraq. One war is against the Iraqi people, and it has claimed an estimated 100,000 lives. The other is a war on witnesses.
Government Says Evidence Gained by Torture Can Be Used to Detain Enemy Combatants
Evidence based on torture is not admissible in U.S. courts. "About 70 years ago, the Supreme Court stopped the use of evidence produced by third-degree tactics largely on the theory that it was totally unreliable," Harvard Law Professor Philip B. Heymann, a former deputy U.S. attorney general, said in an interview. Subsequent high court rulings were based on revulsion at "the unfairness and brutality of it and later on the idea that confessions ought to be free and uncompelled."
1. One report from academia that was commissioned by the pentagon hardly a confession makes.
2. The reason we can't find all the bodies is that the people who know where they are were killed! That and my tinfoil hat is making me channel Liberace again.
3. If foreign governement develops intelligence it shouldn't be used by the US unless it meets our oversight requirements. What a racist, xenophobic position. Its as if the writer had no respect for the equally viable alternative social values of other cultures. If they don't think torture is wrong, who are we to judge?
The only truth emerging is that you are having to go further and further to find anything to snivel about.
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Dear Anon,
Thanks for writing!!
Boy, you're sure trying to put a lot of distance between this report and the Pentagon. Thank you for your resistance to new information, information requested by our government and that tries to make us smarter and safer. Thank you for being part of the problem.
This report originates with the Defense Science Board - that's Yes, the DSB is comprised of civilians "selected on the basis of their preeminence in the fields of science, technology and its application in military operations, research, engineering, manufacturing, and acquisition process, as necessary to cover the interests of the respective offices of the Department of Defense." Or, what you attempt to dismiss as, "academia."
I encourage everyone to read the actual report:
Strategic Communication [PDF]
2. and 3. -- I guess you're trying to make jokes here, or just boasting of your ignorance without actually reading anything. Sorry Anon, we're out of time!
Oh sorry Chuck!
I'm having a hard time believing you're out of time. Its not like you need to run right out and get to work on that mandate the voters threw your way.
Face it, once you take your "I'm sorry" pic, you got pretty much nothing on your agenda until Nov 2006.
If you get really lucky, maybe some Pentagon Edu-welfare make work project will come along and give you a chance to knowingly whine for a while.
But hey, until then, you could always screen the wellstone movie.
Oh hello again Anon - still here?
It's true, I don't have time for people who can't debate actual issues. Have fun with your schoolyard snarkfest.
Err, of course Chris Dykstra posted about this same report a week ago. Right here, on this very page.
See, I like to be the followup guy to really hammer it home. Chris does all the heavy lifting, then I SWOOOOP in and go, "Yeah - you been served, son!"
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