Message from Planet Bush: My pain is bigger than yours
On the Today Show this morning, Laura Bush comes up with a total jaw-dropper. When it comes to Iraq...
"no one suffers more than their President and I do."
Now we know for sure. Either she is off her meds or she is a bonafide sociopath.
Just imagine what kind of an asshole you would have to be to say something like that.
Not sure what she was thinking or the context in wich she said it ( context, the one thing always missing on Dykstras post,) I know one thing for a fact, that woman does more for people in one year than you will do in a life time dip shit.
I know that the "burden of worry" that Laura talks about must weigh very heavily on Georgie's shoulders. But come on asshole, she said it her self, Bush is the one who sent our soldiers on this campaign. People, F-ing kids are staring death in the eye everyday.
Over 3,300 of our soldiers killed
close to 25,000 seriously wounded
not to mention the nearly
1,765,000 Iraqis displaced by the war.
And most estimates put the number of Iraqi civilians killed at around
And you want to talk about context?
Try clicking on the link for starters...
watch the interview...
Think about it.
Burden of worry my ass.
She (Laura) is as ignorant of a first lady that our country has ever seen. I am aware that she is just supporting her husband but some things such as an open ended war lacking a mission which began on falsified intelligence does not justify a statement like hers.
Does she visit the troops in Iraq? Have close personal friends been sent there for a year at a time? Show some actual compassion (not just a staged photo op) and her statement might have some basis to it but until then it will be a shallow and meaningless statement.
Any logical thinking person can watch that and understand what she meant. She may have not worded it right, but cmon. But i guess Sornie has a gift for mind reading because she knows what the first lady was thinking and feeling when she made that statement. So you call her ignorant and stupid, but make sure your standing in front of a mirror when you do it. Sornie, you have any friends over there? Have you visited the troops? I have 3 sons with there boots in the sand now, 2 were just extended for 6 months. They believe in the mission and take great honor in what they are doing. I'm sure you will tell me what they really mean because you have the power to read minds. Ya know there is a VA Hospital down Hwy55 and hwy62, why don't you'all take a day off work and spend it down there with our soldiers so then when you use there plight in your daily political bashing it wont seem so shallow and meaningless.
"Any logical thinking person can watch that and understand what she meant."
Exactly. So when are you gonna turn into a logical, thinking person, SK? Laura Bush meant what she said. And, what she said, SK, isn't the kind of thing anyone with half a wit would utter under their breath when people like you are listening. Her comments are contemptible and you know it. You are the one reading her mind. We are listening to the words coming out of her mouth.
Why do you excuse her? I hope your kids come home safe, but their service doesn't change the tone or meaning of Laura's arrogant, self-pitying mewling. If anything, it serves as the harshest possible contrast to the near complete corruption with which this war was sold and run. Why aren't you simply furious that your kids were sent to Iraq in the name of a cause that didn't exist? Doesn't it anger you to see your kids placed in the service of corrupt, incompetent leaders pursuing goals that have little to do with American Security?
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