Dinesh D'Souza wasn't invited to the party...
Pharyngula is absolutely right, Dinesh D'Souza is a contemptible ghoul. He seems to imply that, because the Richard Dawkins wasn't invited to speak at the Memorial Service for the Virginia Tech students, all atheism is discredited. He writes
o no one's surprise, Dawkins has not been invited to speak to the grieving Virginia Tech community. What this tells me is that if it's difficult to know where God is when bad things happen, it is even more difficult for atheism to deal with the problem of evil. The reason is that in a purely materialist universe, immaterial things like good and evil and souls simply do not exist. For scientific atheists like Dawkins, Cho's shooting of all those people can be understood in this way--molecules acting upon molecules.
If this is the best that modern science has to offer us, I think we need something more than modern science.
May I add, to no one's surprise, D'Souza has not been invited to speak to the grieving Virginia Tech community, either. What this tells me is that they have no interest in hearing from lunk heads who twist an incomprehensible tragedy into a bigoted, senseless diatribe. Hey hotshot, did you stop to think for a second that one of the people that was killed may have been an atheist?
What a putz.
Maybe you could help me out. Just exactly what role does evil play in social evolution, biological evolution, etc.? Why did it ever show it's ugly head in the first place? If only good changes, profitable changes lead to progress, why has something like evil even made it on to the evolutionary scene?
Hmm, does this mean that you don't check your comments? on holidays? don't know the answer? scanning Dawkins et al. to find the answer?
As far as I know, evil isn't a biological concept. It is a social construct. It's interesting to simply read the the definition of it at:
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