
FOX News debate a non-starter

Obama Ditches CBC/Fox Debate

Good. It's about time everybody stopped pretending it's a real news outlet instead of a venomous spigot of propaganda. Presidential candidates shouldn't attend debates sponsored by the Weekly World News, either.

Don't get me wrong. I am not advocating any particular news outlet. CNN, MSNBC and most of the network biggies are just as complicit in the metastasis of the objective beat reporter into the cancer of bullying, shouting, jingoistic "infotainment." It used to be that you had to scrounge for the agenda in the news. Now you have to scrounge for the truth.

Rock on John Edwards and Obama. Now, if ALL the candidates could just tell ALL the news outlets to take a hike, maybe set it up so that the debates could be mediated by a jr. high school speech teacher or something. We could let the media just show up and turn on the recorders and cameras and get the hell out of the way.


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