
FOX trashes Vonnegut

Here's an obituary done by FOX News that is about as low as it gets. It's like they are taking a dump in his casket.

Question: If he's so irrelevant why burn serious news time crapping all over him five minutes after he is dead?

Answer: They don't want their base reading his books.


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Tom Parsons said...

What an asshole.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Scorpio said...

Yeah, I'll bet the thing playing in the headphones of "Harrison Bergeron" to make the listeners disrupted and stupid was FOX.

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Ruby Sinreich said...

That is so tasteless! I am shocked that even Fox News couldn't muster some minimal respect for the dead, if not for a great American writer.

If you can't say anything nice... Shut your pie hole!


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