

So, what does our distinguished panel think of Hillary?


At 2:37 PM, Blogger Michael said...

OK, I'll go:

Hillary Clinton would not be a bad President. She might even be a good President. Having a woman *candidate* is a big step forward and having a woman President, obviously, an even bigger one. I would almost vote for a Republican woman and I would certainly vote for a liberal woman. I think men have had a monopoly on the Presidency for too long.

But I am worried about Clinton. The Right has an irrational hatred of her. I think it would be easy for the Republicans to rally around their hatred of all things Clinton. They would have a harder time rallying around their hatred for some of the other candidates. This would work in reverse, though, for liberals, who adore Bill and for the most part respect Hillary.

I think Hillary's politics are pretty damn good. I think she brings some baggage, though, that could hurt us in the middle. I don't really know, though, which is why I ask...

At 7:58 PM, Blogger edgaralgernon said...

Bob Harris has a good critique on why she is not good on the political side (http://www.bobharris.com/content/view/1268/1/). I tend to agree with him, as I've felt that politically she's pretty average.

And I agree with your observation about the Clinton issue. The right wing pundits would have a field day. Past performanced of the Dems suggest that they would not be able to weather the attack, and thus most likely loose the vote.

So... overall a bad idea. Sad though as I too would like to see a woman finally make it to "highest office" in the land.

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Mark D. said...

Just like her husband: too many irritating political compromises. Plus you know she's gonna be a foreign policy hawk just to prove she has balls.

Typical New Democrat, who needs 'em?


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