
How more troops might help

I'm one who thinks we should basically leave Iraq immediately and completely. I don't think it is a question of defeat -- our presence just does not seem to be improving the situation. We got what we originally set out to do: Iraq is not a military threat to the US anymore. It does not have the capabilities to create weapons of mass destruction. Yeah, we created a chaotic and unstable situation in the process, sorry about that, but our work is done here.

On the other hand, the one reason I can think of to bring in a shitload of troops is to undertake a rapid infrastructure rebuild: clean water everywhere and the power on 24/7. Then we can leave with a better taste in our mouth. I don't think we can provide security in Iraq unless we lock it down with martial law and quadruple our force there. Even then it will be unstable and will only postpone the problem.

No, the Left was right, we sent the bull in the china shop and now you can't unring the bell. A metaphor mashup that is now an unfortunate reality for the US in Iraq.


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Wail) We're as doomed as doomed can be (sob)..we might as well just open a vein and be done with it (sob)...

Before all of you whiney losers head to the bathroom to put an end to it all, do you mind if I go first to puke?


At 1:58 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

By the way, welcome Michael to the shining beacon of New Patriot! (Well, maybe not shining... it flickers now and again.)

You've probably already figured out, you can just ignore Swiftee.

At 1:47 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Hi Swiftee.

Are you one of those retards with the rose-colored glasses? Facts just don't sway you guys, do they? 'Tis a wonder.

Enjoy your barf!


PS - Thanks, Chuck!


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