
On Kiffmeyer, Spin Pimps and clown suits

Michael Brodkorb of Minnesota Democrats Exposed has a series of mind-bendingly stupid posts up about the transition meetings between outgoing Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer and incoming Sec State Mark Ritchie (hat tip to MnPact). In an effort to protect her reputation, it appears that Mary Kiff invited Brodkorb to blog the transition meetings between her and Mark Ritchie. How bizarre. You must read this nonsense. Note: Because stupidity tends to die in the sunlight, I am linking to his blog, though normally I resist.

Brodkorb obviously views Kiffemeyer's inviation to a wield a partisan hatchet on the reputation of Mark Ritchie as a "scoop." It is not, of course. It is the rope with which the Republicans hung themselves this election. Thank God Brodkorb and Kiffmeyer are blind to the fact that they pull the noose tighter and tighter with every stunt. I say, let them run riot!

After all, why should the public trust any politician that holds court via a spin pimp like Brodkorb? Kiffemeyer's invitation reveals exactly one thing - her utter unsuitability to serve all Minnesotans. At least that's the way voters saw it. Ritchie crushed Kiffmeyer at the polls. Obviously, she hasn't quite removed their bootprint from her rear end.

Thank you so much Ms. Kiffmeyer. Thank you Mr. Brodkorb. Your dellusional "muckracking" and inflated egos serve those of us who hope for a better Minnesota so very well. Please, pretty please, can you put on your clown suits and do another round?


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